# Game parameters. LabyrinthWidth=20 LabyrinthHeight=30 NumberOfGoolies=30 NumberOfGoldBunches=50 NumberOfGoldPieces=5000 # Key controls (use ' for alphas, and OpenGL codes for arrow keys, etc.) MoveForwardKey=GLUT_KEY_UP MoveBackKey=GLUT_KEY_DOWN TurnLeftKey=GLUT_KEY_LEFT TurnRightKey=GLUT_KEY_RIGHT StrafeLeftKey=CTRL+GLUT_KEY_LEFT StrafeRightKey=CTRL+GLUT_KEY_RIGHT DropRedJellybean='R' DropGreenJellybean='G' DropBlueJellybean='B' ThrowRedJellybean='r' ThrowGreenJellybean='g' ThrowBlueJellybean='b' EatJellybean='e' PickUpMushroom='m' # Models of things. GoolieFile=goolie.sdl RedJellybeanFile=redbean.sdl GreenJellybeanFile=greenbean.sdl BlueJellybeanFile=bluebean.sdl MushroomFile=mushroom.sdl # Textures. FloorTexture=floor.jpg CeilingTexture=ceiling.jpg WallTexture=wall.jpg # In-game messages. GoolieHere="A Goolie has found you!!" GoolieRIP="You have appeased the Goolie." GoolieStole="You failed to appease the Goolie!" GoldFound="Number of gold pieces found:" GoldLost="Number of gold pieces stolen by the Goolie:" GoldAllFound="You have found all the gold! Now get out of here quick!" MushroomGood="You picked up a good mushroom!" MushroomBad="You picked up a bad mushroom!" MushroomDone="The mushroom's power has worn off." JellybeanEaten="Hmmm. You have a strange feeling in your stomach!"