In most cases, these papers are the original source of the topic they cover. All of these topics together make up a foundational
understanding of the technical aspects of Computer Animation. As students, it is important to see how topics are described and delivered within the graphics
community, and hopefully you will see how studying this stuff might be interesting. For some of you, it may encourage you to consider
graduate study. The papers may also help give you some ideas for projects for this class and beyond.
Some of these papers can be rather dense, so unless you plan to implement the technique or algorithm, I don't expect you to gain a complete
understanding of the material. You should read carefully enough, however, to get an overall idea of the concept and how it fits into the broader
context of Computer Animation. This is what you will relate to me in your summary of the paper.
Each summary should be no longer than 1-2 pages. A summary is NOT a cut-and-paste of text and/or figures from the paper! After reading the
paper, you should include:
All of these papers are accessible from any computer on the WPI network, or through a VPN through the WPI proxy server
Week 1: Introduction: Animation Pipeline / Principles of Animation
- Supplemental:
- Henne, M. Hickel, H. Johnson, E. Konishi, S. "The Making of Toy Story," Proc. of Comp Con '96.
- Ronald J. Hackathorn, "Anima II: a 3-D color animation system", Proc. of SIGGRAPH 77, pp. 54-64.
- Paul A. Fishwick, "3D behavioral model design for simulation and software engineering," Proc. of the fifth symposium on Virtual reality modeling language (Web3D-VRML), February 2000.
Week 2: Kinematics: Transformations, Orientations, Rotations and Quaternions
- Supplemental:
- Alan H. Barr, Bena Currin, Steven Gabriel, John F. Hughes, "Smooth interpolation of orientations with angular velocity constraints using quaternions," Proc. SIGGRAPH 92, pp. 313-320.
- John C. Hart, George K. Francis, Louis H. Kauffman, "Visualizing quaternion rotation," ACM Transactions on Graphics, 13(3), July 1994, pp. 256-276.
- Erik Dam, Martin Koch, Martin Lillholm, "Quaternions, Interpolation and Animation," Technical Report DIKU-TR-98/5, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, July 1998..
Week 3: Kinematics: Interpolation & Keyframing
- Supplemental:
- William T. Reeves, "Inbetweening for computer animation utilizing moving point constraints," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 81, pp 263-269.
- Edwin Catmull, "The problems of computer-assisted animation," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 78, pp. 348-353.
- Scott N. Steketee, Norman I. Badler, "Parametric keyframe interpolation incorporating kinetic adjustment and phrasing control," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 85, pp. .
- Barr, A. H., Currin, B., Gabriel, S., Hughes, J. F., "Smooth interpolation of orientations with angular velocity constraints using quaternions," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 92, pp. .
- Myoung-Jun Kim, Myung-Soo Kim, Sung Yong Shin, "A C2-continuous B-spline quaternion curve interpolating a given sequence of solid orientations," Proc. of Computer Animation '95, pp. 72-81.
- Nielson, G.M., "v-Quaternion splines for the smooth interpolation of orientations," Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(2), Mar/Apr 2004, pp. 224-229.
Week 4: Dynamics: Dynamic Simulation
- Supplemental:
- Matthew Moore, Jane Wilhelms, "Collision detection and response for computer animation," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 88, pp. 289-298.
- Jonathan D. Cohen, Ming C. Lin, Dinesh Manocha, Madhav Ponamgi"I-COLLIDE: an interactive and exact collision detection system for large-scale environments," Proc. of the 1995 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics.
- Ming C. Lin, Stephan Gottschalk, "Colllision Detection between geometric models: a survey," Proc. of IMA Conference on Mathematics of Surfaces 1998.
- Jakub Wejchert, David Haumann, "Animation aerodynamics," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 91.
Week 5: Particle Systems
- Supplemental:
- Karl Sims, "Particle animation and rendering using data parallel computation," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 90, pp. 405-413.
- Ebert, D., Carlson, W., Parent, R., "Solid Spaces and Inverse Particle Systems for Controlling the Animation of Gases and Fluids," The Visual Computer, 10(4), 1994.
Week 6: Group Motion
- Supplemental:
- Xiaoyuan Tu, Demetri Terzopoulos, "Artificial fishes: physics, locomotion, perception, behavior," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 43-50.
- Soraia R. Musse, Christian Babski, Tolga Capin , Daniel Thalmann, "Crowd modelling in collaborative virtual environments," Proc. of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 98), 1998, pp. 115-123.
Week 7: Articulated Figures / Motion Capture
- Supplemental:
- Wang, L.-C.T.; Chen, C.C, "A combined optimization method for solving the inverse kinematics problems of mechanical manipulators," IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, 7(4), Aug. 1991, pp. 489-499.
- K. Perlin, "Real Time Responsive Animation with Personality," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1(1), 1995.
- Geller, T., "Overcoming the Uncanny Valley," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28(4), Jul.-Aug. 2008, pp.11-17.
- Michael Gleicher, "Retargetting motion to new characters," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 98, pp. 33-42.
- Min Gyu Choi, Jehee Lee, Sung Yong Shin, "Planning biped locomotion using motion capture data and probabilistic roadmaps," ACM Trans. on Graphics, 22(2), Apr. 2003, pp. 182-203.
- Jehee Lee, Jinxiang Chai, Paul S.A. Reitsma, Jessica K. Hodgins, Nancy S. Pollard, "Interactive control of avatars animated with human motion data," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 2002, pp. 491-500.
- J.E. Chadwick, D.R. Haumann, R.E. Parent, "Layered construction for deformable animated characters," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 89, pp. 243-252.
Week 8: Character / Facial Animation
- Supplemental:
- S. Garchery, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, "Designing MPEG-4 Facial Animation Tables for Web Applications," Multimedia Modeling 2001, Amsterdam, May 2001, pp. 39-59.
- L. Gritz, J.K. Hahn, "Genetic Programming for Articulated Figure Motion," The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 6(5), Apr. 1995, pp. 124-142.
- Karl Sims, "Evolving virtual creatures," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 94, pp. 15-22.
- Alankus, G., Bayazit, A. A., Bayazit, O. B., "Automated motion synthesis for dancing characters: Motion Capture and Retrieval," Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 16(3-4), Jul. 2005, pp. 259-271.
- Andrew Witkin, Michael Kass, "Spacetime constraints," Proc. SIGGRAPH 88, pp. 159-168.
Week 9: Sound and Animation / Virtual Reality
- Primary:
- Tapio Takala, James Hahn, "Sound rendering," Proc. SIGGRAPH 92, pp. 211-220.
- Supplemental:
- J.K. Hahn, J. Geigel, J.W. Lee, L. Gritz, T. Takala, Mishra, S., "An Integrated Approach to Sound and Motion," Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 6(2), pp. 109-123.
- Thomas Funkhouser, Patrick Min, Ingrid Carlbom, "Real-time acoustic modeling for distributed virtual environments," Proc. SIGGRAPH 99, pp. 365-374.
- Kees van den Doel, Paul G. Kry, Dinesh K. Pai, "FoleyAutomatic: physically-based sound effects for interactive simulation and animation," Proc. SIGGRAPH 2001, pp. 537-544.
Week 10: Dynamics / Cloth / Numerical Integration
- Primary:
- Zoran Kacic-Alesic, Marcus Nordenstam, David Bullock, "A practical dynamics system," Proc. of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation (SCA '03), pp. 7-16.
- Supplemental:
- Mirtich, B. Canny, J., "Impulse-based simulation of rigid bodies," Proc, of the 1995 Symposium on interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 181-ff.
- Paul M. Isaacs, Michael F. Cohen, "Controlling dynamic simulation with kinematic constraints," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 87, pp. 215-224.
- Ronen Barzel, Alan H. Barr, "A modeling system based on dynamic constraints," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 88, pp. 179-188.
- Bridson, R., Marino, S., Fedkiw, R., "Simulation of clothing with folds and wrinkles," Proc. of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation (SCA '03), pp. 28-36.
- Carignan, M., Yang, Y., Thalmann, N. M., Thalmann, D., "Dressing animated synthetic actors with complex deformable clothes," Proc. of SIGGRAPH 92, pp. 99-104.