Department of Computer Science
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

This page contains the list of weekly reading assignments for the Computer Animation course.

You only need to summarize the "Primary" papers of each week.

Summaries are due at midnight on the Friday of the given week they are assigned. NO LATE SUMMARIES WILL BE ACCEPTED!

In most cases, these papers are the original source of the topic they cover. All of these topics together make up a foundational understanding of the technical aspects of Computer Animation. As students, it is important to see how topics are described and delivered within the graphics community, and hopefully you will see how studying this stuff might be interesting. For some of you, it may encourage you to consider graduate study. The papers may also help give you some ideas for projects for this class and beyond.

Some of these papers can be rather dense, so unless you plan to implement the technique or algorithm, I don't expect you to gain a complete understanding of the material. You should read carefully enough, however, to get an overall idea of the concept and how it fits into the broader context of Computer Animation. This is what you will relate to me in your summary of the paper.

Each summary should be no longer than 1-2 pages. A summary is NOT a cut-and-paste of text and/or figures from the paper! After reading the paper, you should include:

All summaries should be submitted through turnin, using "week1", "week2", etc. as the assignment name.

All of these papers are accessible from any computer on the WPI network, or through a VPN through the WPI proxy server

(This list is mostly taken (with permission) from a Computer Animation course taught at RIT by Prof. Joe Geigel Thanks Joe!!).

Week 1: Introduction: Animation Pipeline / Principles of Animation

Week 2: Kinematics: Transformations, Orientations, Rotations and Quaternions

Week 3: Kinematics: Interpolation & Keyframing

Week 4: Dynamics: Dynamic Simulation

Week 5: Particle Systems

Week 6: Group Motion

Week 7: Articulated Figures / Motion Capture

Week 8: Character / Facial Animation

Week 9: Sound and Animation / Virtual Reality

  • Primary:
    • Tapio Takala, James Hahn, "Sound rendering," Proc. SIGGRAPH 92, pp. 211-220.

Week 10: Dynamics / Cloth / Numerical Integration

  • Primary:
    • Zoran Kacic-Alesic, Marcus Nordenstam, David Bullock, "A practical dynamics system," Proc. of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation (SCA '03), pp. 7-16.

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