WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 543, Fall 2012 Homework 5, Due emailed by 11.59AM on Friday, December 7, 2012

Homework 5 Overview

In this project you shall implement some of the image manipulation operations we discussed in class. The following [ Visual Studio solution ] contains a working program that reads in and displays a bmp file usain_bolt.bmp. Your task will be to program various GLSL fragment shaders that implement various operations that we learned in class and control the effects interactively using keystrokes. To start off, download the Visual Studio Solution, compile it and run it. I have tested it and it works in the Zoolab.

To read in the usain_bolt.bmp file, the program uses use the [ libbmpread library ] which is a tiny, fast bitmap (.bmp) image file loader. Specifically, libbmpread is implemented as two files bmpread.c and bmpread.h which have been included in the Visual Studio starter code. bmp file loading functions and data structures are then used in the starter program to load the bmp file.

The Assignment

You should implement some of the image-manipulation operations previously discussed in class. Your program behavior should be as follows.

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Submitting Your Work

Make sure to double-check that everything works before submitting. Submit all your executable and source files. Put all your work files (Visual Studio solution, OpenGL program, shaders, executable and input files into a folder and zip it. Essentially, after your project is complete, just zip the project directory created by Visual Studio. If the file size is less than 10MB, you can email me the file. If the final zip file is larger than 10MB, put it in a webspace and email me its URL.

Create documentation for your program and submit it along with the project inside the zip file. Your documentation can be either a pure ASCII text or Microsoft Word file. The documentation does not have to be long. Briefly describe the structure of your program, what each file turned in contains. Explain briefly what each module does and tie in your filenames. Most importantly, give clear instructions on how to compile and run your program. MAKE SURE IT RUNS before submission. Name your zip file according to the convention FirstName_lastName_hw5.zip

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