WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 4518, C Term 2017 Project 0: Getting Start, Android Setup and Practice
(4/100 points), Due before class time on Thur, Jan 19, 2017

The aim of this project is to get you to run a few tutorials that will help you set up and run Android Studio in the zoolab and at home (Optional).

Prep Steps

Prep Step 1: Run Android Studio Tutorials in the zoolab

The first part of the assignment involves going to the Zoolab in the Fuller basement. You should have access to that lab if you registered for this course. Android Studio is already installed in the zoolab. You just have to run the following tutorials 3-8 from Bucky Roberts on Youtube (Mandatory part). Tutorials 1 and 2 involve installing Java and Android Studio (optional). They are especially useful if you intend to install Android Studio on your home machine. However, even though you cannot follow these steps in the zoolab, you should still watch the tutorials for your education.

The Tutorials from Bucky Roberts:

Optional tutorials: On how to set up Android Studio on your own machine Mandatory tutorials for everyone The following slides I made about the tutorials may be useful [ HW0 slides ] . Take a look. Some questions may also be on quiz 1.

Prep Step 2 (Optional): Android Studio Tutorials on your Home Machine

This part of the project 0 is optional and you should do it only if you intend to use your home machine or laptop to do some of the class projects. Simply repeat the tutorials above including doing tutorials 1 and 2 from Bucky Roberts (installing Java and Android Studio on your home machine).

Project Requirement

After finishing tutorial 8, you should be feel comfortable creating new Android Studio projects and doing minor tasks with the widget palette. Create a new project, select blank activity. Then drag in 5 TextView widgets from the palette, arrange them one on top of the other (line them up vertically). Type "My" "name" "is" "Emmanuel" Agu" (replacing Emmanuel Agu with your first and last name). Each TextView widget should contain one word. You will submit the Android Studio project containing this app (below).


  1. The tutorials use Android Studio 1.x. Android Studio 2.x, the current version of Android Studio is quite similar but has slight UI differences you should be able to figure out. The tutorials are by far the best free ones I know of hence I chose them, despite being slightly dated. If you can't figure anything out, please go to office hours so that the TA/SA can help you out, , post a question on myWPI or contact me.
  2. The tutorials mention setting paths (e.g. Java path). Setting paths and downloading Android SDK is no longer necessary in Android Studio 2.
  3. When creating a new Android project, the tutorials select Android 2.2 (Froyo) as the minimum SDK. You should select Android 5.0 (Lollipop) as your minimum SDK instead

Submitting Your Work

Make sure to double-check that everything works before submitting. Submit all your executable and source files. Put all your work files (Android Studio gradle files, source files, and executable) files into a folder and zip it. Essentially, after your project is complete, just zip the project directory created by Android Studio. Submit your zip file using InstructAssist at [ https://ia.wpi.edu/cs4518/] . Do not email me your program or submit it via dropbox. Before submitting, MAKE SURE YOUR APP RUNS IN THE ZOOLAB. Name your zip file according to the convention FirstName_lastName_hw0.zip

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