WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 4518 C Term 2017 Final Project (40/100 of course grade)

Project Requirements

I previously posted guidelines and rubric for the final project [ Final Project: Guidelines & Rubric for 1-Slide submission ] . Refer to those slides for a more complete description of what the final project entails. You are required to propose and develop an Android app that solves a problem that WPI students face. The app is to use at least one mobile or ubiquitous computing component (e.g. location, 1 sensor or camera)

For the final project, your GROUP will need to do the following:

Deliverable Description Deadline
1 Slide: Submit 1 slide with 3 bullets specifying a) what problem your app will tackle b) Why that problem is important and c) Summary of how your app will work/solve this problem Tuesday, Feb 7, 11.59PM
5-min pitch Give a 5-minute pitch of your project in class Monday, February 13, in class
Final project presentation: Present your final project in class March 2 and 3
Final paper submission: Submit a final paper describing your project, your final project presentation slides and all your code March 3, 11.59PM

More detail and point allocation for each project aspect is given below:

Generating Ideas

If you're having difficulties coming up with project ideas, check out the following links:

Submitting Your Work

Make sure to double-check that everything works before submitting. Submit all your executable and source files. Create the following folders:

Before submitting MAKE SURE YOUR PROJECT RUNS Create a single zip file containing the folders above. Name your zip file according to the convention LastName1_LastName2_LastName3_final_project.zip where LastName1, LastName2, LastName3 are the last names of your group members. Submit your zip file via InstructAssist. Do not email me or the TAs your zip file.

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