WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 403X D Term 2016 Project 1: Designing Android Screens (Layouts, Views and Widgets), (6/100 of course grade)
Due date: Thursday, March 24, 11.59PM!!


The aim of this project is to get you familiar with designing Android screens using layouts, widgets and the webview. This project should be done on Android Studio and each student should do the project by themselves. You may discuss the projects with other classmates or on myWPI but each student will submit their own code for the project. Android Studio is already installed in the Zoolab. You can do your project there. If you choose to install Android Studio, the class slides follow Android 1.3 (same as installed in the Zoolab). You can get Android Studio 1.3 at: http://tools.android.com/download/studio/canary/1-3

Fixing Android Studio 1.3 installation

Before you proceed with project 0, make sure you've gone through steps to configure your emulator as specified in [ Project 0 ] The Android Studio installation in the zoolab may give some minor errors when you first launch it. The following document describes quick fixes to these errors [ Fix Documentation ]

Project Requirements

Design the following 4 screens. You will need to create 4 different Android Studio projects (1 for each screen). The 4 Android Studio projects will be put together and submitted in a single zip file. The 4 screens are:

Screen 1: The following screen is a screen for an app that shows a country's flag and allows users to guess which country has that flag by clicking on the appropriate button. Design the exact screen shown below. You can use the following flag for the screen [Nicaraguan Flag ] .

Screen 2: The screen below explores scrolling of content that is too large to fit on a mobile device screen. So, the content boxes should be 20 boxes high in total, where only 8 boxes can fit in on the device screen at a time. The user has to scroll down to see all 20 boxes. Adjacent boxes should alternate your picture and any random picture of a friend of your choice, or any Internet image of a person of your choice. Your image should be aligned with the left of the box, while your other image should be aligned with the right of the box.

Screen 3: This screen has 3 buttons at the top and the rest of the screen is filled with a box that displays web content. You can use webView for this part. Each button has a different website URL of your choice hardcoded into it. Pressing each button should load up a different website. E.g. Pressing the button "Website 1" could pull up https://www.google.com. Pressing the button "Website 2" would pull up a different website, etc.

Screen 4: The following screen is for an Address book on which users can enter Name, Phone, E-mail, Street and City/State/Zip code. Design a similar screen.

Submitting Your Work

Make sure to double-check that everything works before submitting. Submit all your executable and source files. Each of the screens above should be created in a different Android Studio project. Zip up all 4 folders containing these Android Studio projects into a single zip file. Essentially, after your project is complete, just zip the 4 project directories created by Android Studio. Submit your zip file using web-based turnin. Do not email me your program or submit it via dropbox.

Before submitting MAKE SURE YOUR PROJECT RUNS IN THE ZOOLAB and the Android Studio installation there can generate all 4 screens before submission. Name your zip file according to the convention FirstName_lastName_hw1.zip

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