WPI Computer Science Department

Computer Science Department

CS 403X D Term 2016 Final Project (40/100 of course grade)
Due date: Tuesday, May 3, 11.59PM!!

Project Requirements

I talked about the final project and submissions in [ lecture 13 ] . Refer to those slides for a more complete description of what the final project entails.

For the final project, your GROUP will need to:

The paper should be written and formatted just like the papers we have read and discussed in class. The paper should be in a 2-column format and have similar sections to the papers we have read and discussed in class (Introduction, Related Work Approach/Methodology, Implementation, Evaluation/Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Future Work). An ideal page limit would be 6 pages. Writing more will not be penalized. Microsoft Word and Latex templates that you should use for the final paper are posted on the class website under the "Important Links" section. If you did a good job on your proposal, you should be able to re-use the Introduction, Related Work, Methodology and part of your previous implementation plan.

Grading Rubric

The final project grading rubric posted [ Here] will be used. This rubric covers your submission including your presentation, paper and code.

Submitting Your Work

Make sure to double-check that everything works before submitting. Submit all your executable and source files. Create the following folders:

Before submitting MAKE SURE YOUR PROJECT RUNS Create a single zip file containing these folders. Name your zip file according to the convention LastName1_LastName2_LastName3_final_project.zip where LastName1, LastName2, LastName3 are the last names of your group members. Submit your zip file via turnin. Do not email me or the TAs your zip file.

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