D-Term 2006                                           CS 4513                                         Prof. D. Finkel


Assignment 2


Due Date: Thursday, April 20 at 9:50 AM


Goal: The overall goal of this assignment is convert your program of Assignment 1 into a client-server distributed file system, with the client running on one machine and the server on another machine.  If you do not have at least a B-level version of Assignment 1, please let me know right away and I will provide one to you.


Your program will have portions running on two machines, local and remote.  The program on local will read in input (as in Assignment 1) either from a file or from standard input, and validate the input as having legal syntax.  If the input is syntactically incorrect, the local program will print an error message to the user.  The local program will not have direct access to the file system data structures, so the local program will not have to check directly that files exist, that there are blocks available on the disk, or otherwise check that the file system is able to carry out the requested operation.


The program on remote will maintain all the file system data structures.  The remote program will check that a requested operation is possible (data blocks are available, file has not exceeded maximum size, etc.).  If the requested operation is not possible, the remote program will  return an error message to the local program.  If the requested operation is possible, the remote program will update the file system data structures and send a confirmation to local. 


The programs on local and remote will communicate using XML-RPC.  You must use XML-RPC in this assignment.  You will have to define the format and content of the messages passed between local  and remote. 


The program on local will read in user input, and pass on syntactically correct commands to the program on remote.  The program on remote will carry out the commands, if possible, and return a confirmation or an error message to local.  The program on local will print appropriate messages to the user.  For debugging purposes, you may wish to implement a verbose mode, in which the programs on local and remote print something when they send and receive messages. 


To prevent buggy programs from flooding the campus network, run your two programs on the same machines until they are thoroughly debugged.  Your programs for this assignment do not have to implement contiguous allocation of files, and you do not have to time your programs.


Submitting your program:  Use the turnin program to submit your assignment.  Turn in your program files, but do not turn in any executable files.  Include a file named build.sh to compile your program.  If you have a makefile, build.sh could simply call make.


Include a README file explaining what level of the assignment you have completed, and a list of all the implemented features, and explain how to run your program.  Be sure to include the documentation files as specified in the CS Department Documentation Standard, located at http://www.cs.wpi.edu/Help/documentation-standard.html   You do not need to include a program listing or sample runs in your documentation.


The turnin assignment id for project 2 is "project2":


/cs/bin/turnin submit cs4513 project2 myproject.zip



C-Level Assignment:  To receive a “C” on this assignment, implement the assignment as above, except that the remote program does not need to return error or confirmation messages to local; error and confirmation messages will be printed on remote.  Also, the C level assignment does not need to implement the Print operation, P.


B-Level Assignment: To receive the grade of “B” on this assignment, implement complete assignment as described above.


A-Level Assignment: To receive the grade of “A” for this assignment, you must implement the functionality of the B-level assignment, and add the ability to store files on both local and remote.  In this level of the assignment, file data structures will be stored by default on local.  File names preceded by /remote/  (for example. /remote/letter.txt) will be stored on remote.  You do not need to store any directory information on local about the /remote directory – your program will just recognize this prefix as indicating the file is on the remote machine.  There is no restriction on having files with the same name on both local and remote.  For the A level assignment, the P and R commands apply to both the local and remote file systems.


Extra credit (for the A-Level Assignment only):  For extra credit, implement a copy command, Y (for copY).  It will have the format Y A B, where A and B might be files on local or files on remote.  Executing the command will create a copy of file A (i.e., the same size) with the name and location indicated by B; the original file is unchanged by the copy command  Examples:        


            Y  letter.txt  /remote/myletter.txt

            Y  /remote/myMQP.doc  myMQP.doc

            Y letter.txt  mom.txt