

Engineering (Mechanical)

Main General Function:

Elevator Design

System Name:



Mid 80’s


Sandra Marcus, Jeffrey Stout, John McDermott


Carnegie-Mellon University




VAX 11/780, 20MB RAM

Brief Summary:

VT was used by Westinghouse Elevator engineers to design elevator systems to customer specifications. It could run virtually autonomously or allow user interaction.

Related Systems:

EL is a similar expert system. It analyzes electric circuits by guessing the current at a particular node and applies rules to propose values for other parts of the circuit. It builds a dependency network and backtracks when constraints are violated, but the backtracking strategy is domain independent.

The GARI (Descotte and Latombe 1985) expert system which builds plans for machining parts uses domain-dependent backtracking, but by applying weights instead of revision rules as VT does.

AIR/CYL (Brown 1985) and PRIDE (Mittal and Araya 1986) also use knowledge-based revision techniques. AIR/CYL has failure handlers that call for redesigns of particular parts to handle constraint violations.


Category two

Characterization of Givens:

1.      Customer requirements forms for the elevator:

Performance specifications, carrying capacity, speed, product selection (like light fixtures, etc.)

2.      Architectural and structural design of the building

Wall-to-wall dimensions in the elevator shaft (hoistway), locations of rail supports, etc.

3.      Architectural design of the elevator cabs, entrances and fixtures.

4.      Knowledge about pieces of equipment and machinery that must be configured (supplied in read-only database).

Characterization of Output:

  1. “Optimally” selected equipment necessary to design layout of elevator in the hoistway, meeting above requirements, and minimizing cost.
  2. Explanation of all decisions.

Characterization of Data:

The data provided to the system could be incomplete. The output elevator design is complete.

Generic Tasks:

Constructive problem solving, domain-dependent backtracking.

Theoretical Commitment:

The system endeavors to leverage domain-dependent knowledge while constructing a solution for a well-defined task to quickly arrive at the best elevator design given the criteria. It is contended that interdependencies between the many design features necessitates this approach. The method of construction, using domain-dependent backtracking, is implied to work on any domain with a fixed set of design parameters, a high degree of interrelation amongst the parameters, and a limited up-front knowledge.


VT is a simulation at a cognitive level, in that when engineers are faced with a design problem, they apply the knowledge they have and the rules they know to constructively build a solution.

Category three


The system has been fully implemented.


The system was (and may still be) used by Westinghouse Elevator engineers.


Took between 7 and 22 minutes to complete test runs that modeled normal usage.

Category Four


  1. User inputs information about requirements for the elevator to be designed.
  2. Forward-chaining is used to execute design rules to build a design. As rules get executed more details of the design are specified.
  3. Execution of design rules can result in constraint violations. Demons detect these violations. Fixes for violations are determined from revision rules. After a fix is performed, forward chaining continues from the point where the fix took place to ensure that the fix did not result in any other constraint violations.
  4. When the system completes a design, an explanation can be provided for why any design parameter was chosen. Hypothetical scenarios can be explored to determine the effect on the overall design.


Aside from solution construction, domain-dependent backtracking is used to resolve constraint violations, and a dependency network is used to identify contributors to a violated constraint and the value it constrains.

Use of Simulation or Analysis:

This system does not simulate any procedure or analysis.

System/Control Implementation Architecture:

The architecture used domain-dependent knowledge that falls in three categories for the purpose of developing a design. The knowledge is used to build up a design, express constraints on the design parameters, and propose fixes to the design. A dependency network is built in the design phase to identify contributors to violated constraints and the value it constrains. The dependency network is also used to contain information used later to explain the design.

Category Five

Characterization of Structure Knowledge:

The types of knowledge are:

  1. Design Extension Rules

Used for forward-chaining to build up a design given design parameters.

  1. Constraint Rules

Express required limitation on one or more design parameters, given the state of a specific design parameter. This is used by “demons” to test the validity of a design built through forward-chaining.

  1. Revision Rules

Describe how to resolve a constraint violation. This is the core of the domain-dependent backtracking feature.

  1. Equipment Data

Information about the features of particular elevator parts are stored in a read-only database.

Characterization of Process Knowledge:

Design rules build up a design. Constraint rules express the interrelation between design parameters. Revision rules resolve constraint violations.

Deep or Surface:

The knowledge is “deep” in the sense the system contains a great deal of domain-dependent knowledge, including domain-dependent knowledge geared specifically for resolving issues that result from executing design rules. It is “surface” knowledge in the sense that there is no real qualitative simulation that is taking place.

Category Six

Search Space:

The set of all combinations of elevator design parameters. There are hundreds of parameters, and most parameter can have many values (many of which are numerical values). This is a large space.

Space Traversal:

The search space is traversed by forward-chaining through a set of design rules, which guide the process of setting design parameters. Invalid combinations of elevator design parameters (constraint violations) are pruned by a combination of expertly chosen design rules (determined by system implementer) and the application of revision rules.

Search Control Strategy:

The control strategy seems to model what might be done by a human engineer developing the problem. Humans also apply design rules, and test their design by applying constraints. Humans also often have a standard approach to dealing with a particular aspect of a design problem (revision rules).

Standard Search Strategy:

The technique is a form of generate and test. A design is built up through a process of executing forward-chaining rules. This is the generate stage. Then, the result is tested for constraint violations using constraint rules.

Search Control Characterization:

Search control is very much knowledge-based, augmented with domain-dependent backtracking.


If only some design constraints are specified at the beginning of a design, default values are used in place of actual data, and a complete elevator design is presented as the final output. If more design specifications are introduced later, they can be applied to the same problem and result in a modified design. So in a sense, partial solutions are allowed.

Search Control Representation:

Search control knowledge is built into the design rules and revision rules. The search is tracked by maintaining a dependency network to identify contributors to violated constraints and the value it constrains.

Search Control Strength:

The search control is very strong. It is based very much on domain-dependent knowledge in each of the design, test and revision phases.

Category Seven

Failure Method:

Domain-dependent knowledge in the form of revision rules are used to resolve all design parameter constraint violations. The rules will alter a parameter that had already been specified by a design rule to resolve the constraint. Forward-chaining of the design rules from the point of the change forward is done to assure consistency of the design.


Rules are considered to be certain.

When the specifications for the elevator to be designed are input by the user of VT, a certainty value can be specified.

A solution to a subproblem is not known to be certain until the elevator is completely designed or deemed to be impossible. Problems are detected by violations of constraints.

Management of Uncertainty:

Revision rules do have a numeric value of preference that express what is the most desirable way to resolve constraint violations.

Certainty values for specification input by the user of the system can be used to determine if it’s permissible to change a value, or how desirable it is to change a value specified by the user when resolving constraints when the system is running.

Management of Time:

There is no time-dependent data in this problem.

Category Eight

Knowledge Representation Method:

Domain-dependent knowledge is stored as rules.

Knowledge Representation Generality:

Domain-dependent knowledge is collected through a generic knowledge acquisition utility called SALT.

Knowledge (expressed in rules) derived from SALT, a rule interpreter and a user-interface can be combined to form an expert system similar to VT that uses a propose-and-revise strategy of design. A database can also be introduced to represent fixed data, such as the parameters of available parts.

Knowledge Structuring:

Design rules and fix rules are linked together through a dependency network. SALT analyzes this network to find trouble-spots. This corresponds to the domain in that it dramatically reduces an otherwise extremely large search space of potential design solutions.

Category Nine

Alternative Representations:

Alternative representation of knowledge are not used in this system.

Alternative Solution Methods:

The only manner in which alternative solution methods are used to arrive at the same solution is that there are may be many revision rules for a particular constraint violation.


The system produces a very good answer almost always. This is because the problem-solving technique is similar to what a true expert would do to reduce the search space of potential solutions. However, I think that the algorithm described for traversing through potential fixes can lead to non-optimal solutions. The only way to determine if there is a better solution is to compare it to the solution of another expert, or to generate all possible combinations of elevator design parameter and test to see how well they minimize cost and meet the customer’s design criteria.

Multiple Results:

Only one result is given.

Category Ten


Interaction is through a command line. Customer requirement are specified, then the system proceeds to use its knowledge to design the elevator. If the system is running in interactive mode, it will as the user to verify all design revisions that are suggested to resolve constraint violations.

Data Collection:

The system does not require all data initially, as default values can be used in their stead. However, default values are likely to be overwritten by the user of the system as the customer requirements are further specified.

Data Format:

Data is specified in screens on information in tabular text and graphical form.


Domain-dependent knowledge is collected through a generic knowledge acquisition utility called SALT.  The categories of this knowledge are design rules, constraint rules and revision rules. SALT also identifies trouble-spots in the knowledge-base that can lead to infinite looping or premature search termination (without a solution). Trouble-spots in VT can be dealt with by adding new fix rules or tweaking existing rules.


This system does not perform better with successive runs with the same information, so in that sense, it does not learn.


The explanation facility allows for a declarative explanation of why every decision was made to achieve the resulting design. The user is allowed to see the ramifications of an individual suggestion for the change to the final design. The user is also allowed to ask why a certain feature was not implemented in the final design

Category Eleven



  1. The system works. It does the job it was intended to do. It does it in a reasonable amount of time.
  2. Knowledge acquisition is intuitive for an engineer who is already familiar with the techniques involved in elevator design. The problem solving method is also somewhat intuitive to how an engineer would approach an elevator design problem. This eases maintenance.
  3. The system is sufficient to replace the work of an engineer at Westinghouse Elevator Company.


  1. The system only works well for problems that have a large number of interrelated rules, and where human experts already understand the best ways to resolve constraint violations.
  2. The system requires an expert in VT and an expert in elevator design for maintenance. This is because as rules are added, special handling may be required that necessitates an understanding of how VT works.
