Computer Science Department

CS4341 ❏ Artificial Intelligence ❏ B07

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri - 1:00 - AK 233
Prof. David C. Brown, Fuller Lab 131, (508) 831-5618, dcb at cs.wpi.edu

Version: Mon Oct 22 18:30:45 EDT 2007

PROJECT 0 - Setting the Stage
Evaluation Scheme

*** This project is worth 10% of total grade

               Graded out of 100% and adjusted later. 
               Late - graded out 0f 80%

                5% Overall report quality
                     i.e., writing/layout/etc
                5% Overall code quality
                     i.e., structure/comments/layout/etc
               90% Report & Code: 
                   30% Task 1
                   60% Task 2


5% -- Report quality
      -- writing/layout/figures/etc

5% -- Code quality 
      -- structure/comments/layout/etc

Task 1

10% -- Data structure for cells built, with access/manipulation functions. 

 5% -- Cells have properties, obstacles & types,
       vehicles & types, elevation, zone.

 5% -- Automagic checking of collisions (i.e., one item per cell)

10% -- Clear description of design and its rationale

Task 2

25% -- demonstration of depth 1st search
       -- returns path found & path cost & work done
       -- uses 1st test case, with correct results
          -- explanation of results for 1st test case
          -- demo output explains search 
          -- uses 8 movement directions, avoiding obstacles.
       -- uses 3rd (pathalogical) test case
          -- good design for 3rd test case
          -- explanation of design for 3rd test case
          -- explanation of results for 3rd test case

10% -- demonstration of breadth 1st search
       -- returns path found & path cost & work done
       -- uses 1st test case, with correct results
          -- demo output explains search 
25% -- demonstration of best 1st search
       -- returns path found & path cost & work done
       -- uses 1st test case, with correct results
          -- demo output explains search 
       -- uses 2nd (failing) test case
          -- good design for 2nd test case
          -- explanation of design for 2nd test case
          -- explanation of results for 2nd test case