** Project is worth 10% of total points for course. ** Graded out of 100, and then we'll adjust the scores at the end of term. ** Graded by subtraction ** We're looking for critical thinking, effort, and an attempt to look at things from an HCI (user-centered, cognitive, technical) point of view. ** Note that it asks for "structured" writing. i.e., give subheadings or bulleted lists. We're looking for a clear, precise, professional analysis. ** Everything requested should be provided. _______________ ** part 1 - 25 pts for content part 2 - 20 pts for content part 3 - 25 pts for content part 4 - 20 pts for content plus ** overall quality 10 pts -- professionalism: spelling, layout, format, grammar, etc. _______________ ** PART 1 - already done in class, with help from instructor, so this one should be easy. - explain why, why, and why? - address 'audience', 'purpose', 'objectives', and 'domain'. - address syntax and semantics. - make it clear what the Requirements were. ** PART 2 - precise, clear, and brief. - answer all questions. ** PART 3 - precise, clear, and brief, with reasons. - answer all questions - it must be clear that you've spent time investigating and evaluating this interface. - provide clear summaries of the results ** PART 4 - precise, clear, and brief, but with explanation. - answer all questions |
dcb at cs wpi edu / Fri Mar 17 17:01:53 EST 2017