CONTENTS: User Interface Design and Evaluation Debbie Stone, Caroline Jarrett, Mark Woodroffe & Shailey Minocha. 1. Introduction. -- 2. How to gather requirements; 3. Users and the domain; 4. Tasks and Work; 5. Requirements gathering; 6. Thinking about and Describing Requirements; 7. Case Study on requirements. -- 8. Work reengineering and conceptual design; 9. Design guidance and design rationale; 10. Interaction design; 11. Interaction styles; 12. Choosing Interaction devices: hardware; 13. Choosing interaction elements: software components; 14. Moving from choosing components into design areas; 15. Case study on Design; 16. Designing a GUI; 17. Designing for the Web; 18. Design of embedded computer systems and small devices; 19. Case study on requirements, design, and evaluation. -- 20. Why evaluate? 21. Deciding on what to evaluate, the strategy; 22. Planning who, what, where, and when; 23. Deciding how to collect data; 24. Final preparations for the evaluation; 25. Analysis and interpretation of user-observation evaluation data; 26. Inspections of the User Interface; 27. Variations and more comprehensive evaluations. -- 28. Communicating and using findings; 29. Winning and maintaining support for user-centered design; 30. Summary.