Configuration Web pages:
IJCAI 2001:
Configuration Workshop, 6th August 2001, Seattle, WA.
AAAI 1999:
Configuration Workshop, 18-19 July 1999, Orlando, Florida.
Paper: My paper was Requirements for configurer tests (.ps). The collected papers are also available.
AAAI 1996 Fall Symposium:
Configuration Workshop MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, (November 9-11, 1996)
Workshop mailing list: configuration@lia.di.epfl.ch
Paper: This draft paper for the workshop, Some Thoughts on Configuration Processes, is a slightly revised version of part of a longer report, originally written in 1992.
Configuration Issues: These issues concerning Configuration was presented at the end of the workshop.
Short Bio & Contact Information for the workshop.
Special Issue of AI EDAM
The AI EDAM special issue on Configuration, Vol. 12, Sept 1998, was edited by Tim Darr, Deborah McGuinness and Mark Klein.Here is my invited, revised paper Defining Configuring for that special issue.
Special Issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems
A special issue of IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol.13, No. 4, July/August 1998, was devoted to Configuration. It was edited by Boi Faltings and Eugene Freuder.WPI AI in Design Webliography:
The WPI AI in Design Webliography contains links to design-related centers, groups and projects in at least 14 countries.