6.3.6 Adding AST
Routines to Recursive
Descent Parsing
An abstract syntax tree node consists of an information field and a number
of pointer fields. We will show an example for the expression grammar with assignment
statements added and presume a binary tree so that there are two pointer fields to a left
and right child in addition to the information field.
Thus if an AST node is called Node, these three field will be denoted as Node.Info,
Node.Left and Node.Right. Get(Node) will create a new emplty AST node.
The method consists of adding a parameter to each of the procedures which will carry
the (partial) AST from procedure to procedure, adding on to it as appropriate.
Consider the recursive descent procedure for an assignment statement:
{Assignment Variable = Expression}
PROCEDURE Assignment (Tree:AST)
IF Next Token = Variable THEN
Node.Info = Variable
Node.Left = Nil
Node.Right = Nil
Tree = Node
IF NextToken is "=" THEN
Node.Info = "="
Node.Left = Tree
Node.Right = Nil
Tree = Node
Expression (Tree.Right)
Following this pseudo-code for the assignment statement:
we obtain the following abstract syntax tree, presuming the call to Expression(Tree.Right)
returns a node whose information field contains B and Tree.Right is
a pointer to it:
To show this, we will continue this process for Expression, Term and Factor (in outline
{Expression Term {+Term} }
PROCEDURE Expression (Tree:AST)
WHILE Next Token = "+" DO
Node.Info = "+"
Node.Left = Tree
Term (Tree.Right)
Tree = Node
{Term Factor {* Factor} }
WHILE Next Token = "*" DO
Node.Info = "*"
Node.Left = Tree
Factor (Tree.Right)
Tree = Node
{Factor Const | ( Expression ) }
IF Next Token <> "(" THEN
Node.Info = Token
Node.Left = Nil
Node.Right = Nil
Tree = Node
Try tracing this for A = B and A = B + C * D
Send questions and comments to: Karen Lemone