WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computer Science Department

CS539 Machine Learning - Spring 2003 
Project 3 - Neural Networks


Due Date:


  1. Part 1 Construct the most accurate neural network you can for predicting the class attribute of each of the following datasets (available with the Weka System):
    • CPU dataset
    • Iris dataset

  2. Part 2 Construct the most accurate neural network you can for predicting the class attribute (CARAVAN Number of mobile home policies) in the The Insurance Company Benchmark (COIL 2000) dataset.


  1. Read Chapter 4 of the textbook about neural networks in great detail.

  2. Read neural networks code in the Weka system in great detail.

  3. The following are guidelines for the construction of your neural networks:

    • Code: Use the neural networks methods implemented in the Weka system.

    • Topology of your Neural Net: Use a 2-layer, feedforward architecture. More specifically, your net should consist of (1 input layer,) 1 hidden layer, and 1 output layer. Each nodes in a layer should be connected to each and everyone of the nodes in the next layer, and no nodes on the same layer should be connected.

      In the case of non-numeric target attributes, decide on a convention that you'll use to match output nodes values and target attribute values.

    • Training and Testing Instances: For the The Insurance Company Benchmark, use the ticdata2000.txt data for training and the ticeval2000.txt data for testing. You may restrict your experiments to a subset of the instances IF Weka cannot handle your whole dataset (this is unlikely). But remember that the more accurate your neural network is, the better.

    • Preprocessing of the Data: A main part of this project is the preprocessing of your dataset. You should apply relevant filters to your dataset before doing the mining and/or using the results of previous mining tasks. For instance, you may decide to remove apparently irrelevant attributes, replace missing values if any, discretize attributes in a different way, etc. Your report should contained a detailed description of the preprocessing of your dataset and justifications of the steps you followed. If Weka does not provide the functionality you need to preprocess your data as you need to obtain useful patterns, preprocess the data yourself either by writing the necessary filters (you can incorporate them in Weka if you wish).

    • Evaluation and Testing: Experiment with different testing methods:

      1. Supply separate training (ticdata2000.txt) and testing (ticeval2000.txt) data to Weka.

      2. Supply training (ticdata2000.txt or ticdata2000.txt + ticeval2000.txt) data to Weka and experiment with several split ratios.

      3. Supply training (ticdata2000.txt or ticdata2000.txt + ticeval2000.txt) data to Weka and

      4. Use n-fold crossvalidation to test your results Experiment with different values for the number of folds.