CS4513 Final Exam Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the final exam:
File Systems (RG10)
- FUSE - Hello World
- Programming for FUSE
- Benchmarking
- Microbenchmarks
- Macrobenchmarks
Overview of Distributed Systems
- Scalability
- Hiding latency
- Distribution
- Replication
- Distributed operating system
- Network operating system
- Client-server
- Multi-tiered architecture
- Three-tiered architecture
Network Games
- Aspects of Networking (SKH02)
- Introduction
- Growth in networking and games
- Virtual reality and related research areas
- Critical networking resources
- Bandwidth (bitrate), latency, processing power
- Distribution concepts
- Communication architectures
- Data and control: Responsiveness and consistency
- Compensatory techniques: Message aggregation, Interest management, Dead reckoning
- Scalability
- Cheating: packet tampering, information exposure, design defects
- Games in the Cloud (CCL14,
Cla09, CFGS14)
- Games as a service
- Motivation
- Game modules for the cloud
- Local rendering, remote rendering
- Games as video
- Game stream versus application stream
- Motion and scene complexity
- Game video performance
- OnLive overview
- Measurement experiments
- Downstream bitrates
- TCP-friendliness
- Predicting player performance
- Comparison of streaming turbulence
- Latency and Games (CC10)
- Network latency: responsiveness, consistency, fairness
- Precision and deadline
- Player performance versus latency
- Methodology
- Precision
- Deadline
- Dealing with latency
The Web (TS02, KR10,
- The document model
- XML basics
- Architecture
- Processes
- Caching
- Web 2.0
- Asynchronous processing (and AJAX)
- Measuring Web 2.0 traffic
- Web 2.0 vs. Web 1.0 basics
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