CS4513 Practice Final Exam

  1. Name and describe 3 types of possible transparency in distributed system.

  2. Name 2 techniques to aid scalability of distributed systems. Provide an example for each.

  3. Give an example of a Client-Server system with a "fat" client. What would be the effect of making the client "thin" for this system?

  4. Describe a strong cache-consistency mechanism for a distributed file system with a stateless server. Describe a weak cache-consistency mechanism for the same system.

  5. Briefly describe the tradeoff between consistency and responsiveness in networked games.

  6. How can Area of Interest be used to reduce network game traffic?

  7. What is packet replay as a form of cheating? Provide an example. How can it be prevented?

  8. For game synchronization, what is meant by simultaneous simulation? How does it help reduce network traffic?

  9. What "services" does the intrastructure as a service (IaaS) provide in a Cloud? Provide an example.

  10. With a P2P file sharing, what are the advantages for a query flooding system like Gnutella over a centralized query system like Napster?

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