CS4513 Mid-Term Exam Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the mid-term exam:
- File Systems
- Concepts
- User-level
- Implementation
- File Descriptors
- Directories
- Storing files (aliases)
- Journaling
- Disk management
- Linux Specifics (ext3)
- Windows Specifics (NTFS)
- HLM02
- Introduction
- Network (and NFS) Appliances
- WAFL goals
- User-level view of Snapshots
- File descriptors
- Meta-data
- Snapshots
- Consistency points
- Performance
- Distributed File Systems
- Basic Principles
- Network File System (NFS)
- Architecture
- Protocols
- Caching
- Andrew File System (AFS)
- Architecture
- Protocols
- Caching
- Distributed Computer Systems Overview
- Goals
- Software
- Multicomputer Operating Systems
- Network Operating Systems
- Middleware
- Client-Server Architectures
- The Web (as a distributed System)
- Document model
- Communication (HTTP)
- Processes
- Client-side processing
- Server-side processing
- Web-Proxies
- Naming
- Caching
- Issues
- Coherency
- Cooperative Caches
- CDNs
- SAAF08
- Motivation
- Basic workings
- Motivation for study (versus Web 1.0)
- Approach
- Traces
- Data gathering
- Applications selected
- Analysis
- Connections
- Sessions
- Inter-request times
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