CS4513 Final Exam Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the final exam:
- Introduction
- Overlay networks
- Example applications
- P2P file sharing
- Instant messaging
- Distributed computing
- P2P file sharing
- Primitives: join, publish, search, fetch
- Centralized database (e.g. Napster)
- Query flooding (e.g. Gnutella)
- Intelligent query flooding (e.g. KaZaA)
- Swarming (e.g. BitTorrent)
- Structured overlay routing (e.g. DHT)
- ISYR10
- Motivation
- Dataset collection
- Speed/bitrate comparison
- Implementation differences
- SR06
- Motivation
- Contributions
- Datasets: Gnutella, Kad, BitTorrent
- Pitfalls: long sessions, missing data, NAT...
- Characterizations: inter-arrival, session length, uptime
Network Games
- SKH02
- Introduction
- Growth in networking and games
- Virtual reality and related research areas
- Critical networking resources
- Bandwidth (bitrate), latency, processing power
- Distribution concepts
- Communication architectures
- Data and control: Responsiveness and consistency
- Compensatory techniques: Message aggregation, Interest management, Dead reckoning
- Scalability
- Cheating:Packet tampering, Information exposure, Design defects
- CC10
- Network latency: responsiveness, consistency, fairness
- Precision and deadline
- Player performance versus latency
- Methodology
- Precision
- Deadline
- Dealing with latency
- BCL+04
- Motivation
- Experiments
- Fundamental interaction components
- Test environment
- User studies
- Analysis: application, network and user levels
Online Social Networks
- Kri09
- Introduction
- Typical OSN session
- Differences between OSNs and Web and P2P
- Properties of interest: basic, dynamic interaction, network traffic, social
- Measurement challenges: crawling, content, dynamism, social
- Studies: sniffing, micro OSNs, privacy
- KGA08
- Micro-content networks and Twitter
- Interfacing with Twitter
- Data collection
- Results: Following vs followers, classes of users, time and geography
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