WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computer Science Department

CS 4445 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - A Term 2008 
Homework and Project 4: Instance Based Learning and Clustering


DUE DATE: ------------------------------------------


The purpose of this project is to construct the most accurate models of different aspects of the datasets under consideration using the following data mining techniques: Also, to gain close understanding of how those methods work, this project also include following those methods by hand on a toy dataset.


Solutions by Piotr Mardziel and Amro Khasawneh.

Consider the dataset below. This dataset is an adaptation of the IQ Brain Size Dataset.

@relation small_twin_dataset

@attribute CCMIDSA numeric 		% Corpus Collasum Surface Area (cm2)
@attribute GENDER {male,female}
@attribute TOTVOL numeric 		% Total Brain Volume (cm3)
@attribute WEIGHT numeric 		% Body Weight (kg)
@attribute FIQ numeric 			% Full-Scale IQ

6.08,	female,	1005,	57.607,		96
5.73,	female,	963,	58.968,		89
7.99,	female,	1281,	63.958,		101
8.42,	female,	1272,	61.69,		103
6.84,	female,	1079,	107.503,	96
6.43,	female,	1070,	83.009,		126
7.6,	male,	1347,	97.524,		94
6.03,	male,	1029,	81.648,		97
7.52,	male,	1204,	79.38,		113
7.67,	male,	1160,	72.576,		124

  1. (40 points + 10 extra credits) Instance Based Learning

    Assume that we want to predict the FIQ attribute (prediction target) from the other predicting attributes CCMIDSA, GENDER, TOTVOL, and WEIGHT.

    1. (10 points) Compute the 4 nearest neighbors of each of the two test instances below. For this part, use the Euclidean distance without modifying the numeric predicting attributes nor using attribute weights. Also, use the nominal attribute GENDER as given: two different values of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "male") will contribute 1 towards the Euclidean distance, and two "same values" of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "female") will contribute 0 towards the Euclidean distance of two data instances.

      Show your work in your report.

      6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		?
      6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		?

      1. (5 points) Predict the FIQ attribute of the test instances using their 4 nearest neighbors without any distance weighting. (Note that now the FIQ value of each instance is provided so that you can compute error values).

        Show your work in your report.

        6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127		___________ 
        6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114		___________ 
        root mean-square error (see p. 178)                      __________
        mean absolute error (see p. 178)                         __________

      2. (5 points) Predict the target attribute FIQ of each test instance using its 4 nearest neighbors weighted by the inverse of the distance. That is, if the FIQ values of the 4 nearest-neighbors of a test instance are m1, m2, m3, and m4 and their respective distances to the test instance are d1, d2, d3, and d4, then the weights of the 4 nearest neighbors are w1 = 1/d1, w2 = 1/d2, w3 = 1/d3, and w4 = 1/d4, and the predicted value for the test instance is:
                 (w1*m1) + (w2*m2) + (w3*m3) + (w4*m4) 
                           w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 

        Show your work in your report.

        6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127		__________
        6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114		__________
        root mean-square error (see p. 178)                      __________
        mean absolute error (see p. 178)                         __________

    2. Now preprocess each of the predicting numeric attributes (CCMIDSA, TOTVOL, and WEIGHT.) so that they range from 0 to 1. That is, for each numeric attribute (except for FIQ), replace each value with (value - min. value)/(max. value - min. value), where min. value and max. value are the minimum and maximum values of that attribute respectively.

      1. (5 points) Show your work in your report and show the resulting dataset.

      2. (10 points) Compute the 4 nearest neighbors of each of the two test instances below with respect to this normalized dataset. For this part, use the Euclidean distance without attribute weights. Also, use the nominal attribute GENDER as given: two different values of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "male") will contribute 1 towards the Euclidean distance, and two "same values" of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "female") will contribute 0 towards the Euclidean distance of two data instances.

        Show your work in your report.

        6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		?
        6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		?

        1. (5 points) Predict the FIQ attribute of the test instances using their 4 nearest neighbors without any distance weighting. (Note that now the FIQ value of each instance is provided so that you can compute error values).

          Show your work in your report.

          6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127		__________
          6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114		__________ 
          root mean-square error (see p. 178)                      __________
          mean absolute error (see p. 178)                         __________

        2. (5 points) Predict the target attribute FIQ of each test instance using its 4 nearest neighbors weighted by the inverse of the distance. That is, if the FIQ values of the 4 nearest-neighbors of a test instance are m1, m2, m3, and m4 and their respective distances to the test instance are d1, d2, d3, and d4, then the weights of the 4 nearest neighbors are w1 = 1/d1, w2 = 1/d2, w3 = 1/d3, and w4 = 1/d4, and the predicted value for the test instance is:
                   (w1*m1) + (w2*m2) + (w3*m3) + (w4*m4) 
                             w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 

          Show your work in your report.

          6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127		__________
          6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114		__________ 
          root mean-square error (see p. 178)                      __________
          mean absolute error (see p. 178)                         __________

      3. (5 points) Which of the methods above produced the best results? Explain.

  2. (40 points) Clustering - Simple K-means

    1. Assume that we want to cluster the instances in the small-twin-dataset above in 2 clusters. Use the Simple K-means algorithm with Euclidean distance without modifying the numeric attributes nor using attribute weights. Also, use the nominal attribute GENDER as given: two different values of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "male") will contribute 1 towards the Euclidean distance, and two "same values" of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "female") will contribute 0 towards the Euclidean distance of two data instances.

      Assume that the 2 randomly selected initial centroids are:

      6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127
      6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114
      Show the first 2 iterations of the Simple K-means clustering algorithm. That is:

      1. (5 points) Assign data instances to the clusters represented by the 2 centroids.

      2. (5 points) Compute new centroids for the 2 resulting clusters.

      3. (5 points) Assign data instances to the clusters represented by the 2 new centroids.

      4. (5 points) Compute new centroids for these 2 new resulting clusters.

      Show your work in your report.

    2. Repeat the process above but now starting with a normalized dataset. That is, assume that we want to cluster the instances in the small-twin-dataset above in 2 clusters using the Simple K-means algorithm with Euclidean distance without attribute weights, but preprocessing each of the numeric attributes so that they range from 0 to 1. That is, for each numeric attribute, including FIQ, replace each value with (value - min. value)/(max. value - min. value), where min. value and max. value are the minimum and maximum values of that attribute respectively. Use the nominal attribute GENDER as given: two different values of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "male") will contribute 1 towards the Euclidean distance, and two "same values" of this attribute (e.g., "female" and "female") will contribute 0 towards the Euclidean distance of two data instances.

      Assume that the 2 randomly selected initial centroids are:

      6.48,	female,	1034,	62.143,		127
      6.59,	male,	1100,	88.452,		114
      Show the first 2 iterations of the Simple K-means clustering algorithm. That is:

      1. (5 points) Assign data instances to the clusters represented by the 2 centroids.

      2. (5 points) Compute new centroids for the 2 resulting clusters.

      3. (5 points) Assign data instances to the clusters represented by the 2 new centroids.

      4. (5 points) Compute new centroids for these 2 new resulting clusters.

      Show your work in your report.

  3. (20 points) Clustering - Hierarchical Clustering
    Assume that we want to cluster a dataset using the COBWEB/CLASSIT clustering algorithm.

    Assume that we have followed the COBWEB/CLASSIT algorithm and so far we have created a partial clustering containing just the first 4 instances. The following tree shows the current partial clustering, where the numbers in parenthesis (1), (2), (3), (4) represent the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th data instances respectively and "o" denotes just an internal node.

                              /     \ 
                             o      (2)
                           /   \
                          o    (3)
                        /   \
                       (1) (4)
    Your job is to describe all the alternatives that are considered by the COBWEB/CLASSIT algorithm when adding instance (5) to this clustering tree.

    1. (2 points) How many such alternatives are considered by the COBWEB/CLASSIT algorithm?

    2. (15 points) List each one of those alternatives and show what the resulting clustering tree would be for each of those alternatives.

    3. (3 points) Explain how the COBWEB/CLASSIT algorithm would choose which of those alternatives to select as the best one. Note: you don't need to compute the category utility value of each of those alternatives. You just need to explain how the selection of the best alternative is made by the algorithm.

[800 points: 100 points per new data mining technique (instance based learning, clustering); 80 points per previously studied data mining technique; 40 points for meaningful interpretation of the resulting clusters for each of the clustering methods dataset. See below for the distribution of these points.]