CS4341 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Project 3 - B 2003
- Part I: Thursday, December 04, 10 am (beginning of class).
- Part II: Tuesday, December 09, 9:00 pm.
Homework and Project Goal:
The purpose of this project is to implement a planning system.
Given a collection of operators, an initial situation and a goal situation,
this planning system will construct a most general plan of actions
(instantiations of the operators) that when performed in sequence transform
the initial situtation into the goal situation, if such plan exists,
and will report failure otherwise.
The goal of this project and homework matches the following
Course Objectives:
- Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem
solving, and decision) during the design, implementation, and analysis
of computer programs
that reason and/or act intelligently.
- Learning fundamental principles about and generalizations of
knowledge representation techniques.
Practice with and evaluation of this objective.
- Learning fundamental principles about and generalizations of
computational problem solving strategies.
- Developing creative capacities
for the design, implementation, and analysis of computer programs
that reason and/or act intelligently.
- Learning to analyze and experimentally evaluate
designs and implementations of the intelligent computer programs, in
particular those developed during the course projects.
Part I. Homework Assignment:
Follow by hand on a piece of paper the
planning procedure described in class as well as in Chapter 15 of
Winston's book to the planning problem described in
See below for the Input conventions.
An outline of this planning procedure is described below.
Your solution to the homework must show all establishes, threatens,
and before links, as well as all the steps of the procedure
including failure/backtracking branches.
As an illustration, see
the answers to the planning problem in my D2001 offering of this course
Outline of the Planning Procedure
- A plan is constructed using "backward search"
starting from the goal state and finding operators
whose postconditions match the assertions in the
goal state, and then the process is applied recursively
to satisfy the preconditions of those operators.
- An operator is introduced when there is an assertion
in the goal state or a precondition in any of the
operators currently in the plan that is still not
satified by other operators in the plan or the assertions
in the initial state. If there are
several operators (or several different instantiations of
the variables of one or more operators) that can be used to satisfy
such assertion or precondition, then those alternative operators
are sorted in the order described below
and are explored in a depth-1st manner, allowing for backtracking.
- Two different operators are sorted in the order
in which they appear in the input file.
For instance, if the operators
moveblock ?x ?y ?z and moveblock ?x ?y table
in planning1.txt
both apply in a given situation, then
the operator moveblock ?x ?y ?z has precedence over the
operator moveblock ?x ?y table
because the former appears before the latter in the input file.
- Two different instantiations of the variables are sorted
using "lexicographic" (see examples below) order over the
values associated to the variables. Two values are sorted
in the order in which they appear in the header of the
input file. For instance, the header in
room livingroom kitchen ?R1 ?R2
object beer ?Obj
state that livingroom has precedence over kitchen
because it appears first in the file. Also, since ?R1 and ?R2
are of type room then the possible instantiations of
each of these variables are livingroom and kitchen,
and the only possible instantiation of ?Obj is beer,
the possible instantiations of the operator
carry ?R1 ?R2 ?Obj are:
- carry livingroom kitchen beer
- carry kitchen livingroom beer
The first one, carry livingroom kitchen beer, has precedence
over the second one, carry kitchen livingroom beer, because
"livingroom kitchen" is smaller than
"kitchen livingroom" in this lexicographic order.
- You can use the convention that
the same (constant) value is NOT used to instantiate more than
one variable of an operator. For instance, for the operator
"moveblock ?x ?y ?z", you can eliminate from consideration
instantiations like ?x = a, ?y = a, ?z = a; and like
?x = a, ?y=b, ?z = a, since in those cases the same value ("a")
is used for more than one variable.
Also, for "carry ?R1 ?R2 ?Obj", the possible instantiations are:
- carry livingroom kitchen beer
- carry kitchen livingroom beer
eliminating from consideration:
- carry livingroom livingroom beer
- carry kitchen kitchen beer
- You need to consider all valid instantiations of all the
operators that accomplished the current subgoal, and consider
one at a time until a full plan without unresolved threats
is constructed. If your system finds a threat that cannot
be resolved using before links, then the search needs to
backtrack to consider another alternative.
- You may want
to use the following heuristic to decide in which
order to explore alternative instantiations of the applicable
operators. You may use this heuristic in combination with
or instead of the lexicographic order described above.
Here is the heuristic: "among all possible instantiations
of all the operators that establish the current subgoal,
explore first the one with the least
number of preconditions not yet satisfied
in the current plan by the initial situation
and/or by other operators already included in the plan".
- You search for a plan should avoid loops (i.e. applying
the same instantiation of an operator more than once
in a branch of the plan).
- When the postcondition of an operator 1 in the plan
matches/satisfies the precondition of another operator 2
in the plan, we say that operator 1 "establishes"
operator 2. A "threatening" situation is present when
the postcondition of a third operator in the plan
invalidates the precondition of operator 2 that operator
1 has established.
A way to resolve this conflict is to add time constraints
to the plan, requiring that operators 1 and 2 be executed
before operator 3, or that operator 3 be executed before
operators 1 and 2. If both options are impossible to
satisfy, then the current branch of the search fails and
the whole process backtracks.
- The search for a plan ends successfully when all the
assertions in the goal state as well as all preconditions
of the operators in the plan are satisfied. The search for
a plan ends unsuccessfully when the search has backtracked
to the end and there are no more ways to combine the operators
to satisfy all conditions.
Homework Submission:
The homework is due at 10 am on Thursday Dec. 04, 2003.
Please hand in one HARDcopy of your group solutions to the homework assignment
by the beginning of the class on Thursday Dec. 04.
Homework Grading:
- (5 points) Constructing the plan using "backwards" search.
- (30 points) Including "establishes" links correctly:
- (20 points) identifying all alternative instantiations of the
applicable operators for each subgoal.
- (10 points) exploring those alternatives in a depth first manner,
either using the "lexicographic" order, or the
"heuristic" order, or a combination of the two,
as described above
- (25 points) Identifying all threats correctly.
- (20 points) Resolving threats using before links if possible.
- (10 points) Backtracking appropriately if threats cannot be resolved
using before links.
- (10 points) Producing a full, partially ordered plan.
- Total: 100 points.
Part II. Project Assignment:
- Your program must run on the CCC Unix machines
- You may use any high-level language (Java, Lisp, Prolog, C, C++, ...).
- Your program must adhere to the Input and
Output Specifications below.
- Your program must implement the
planning procedure described in class, in Chapter 15 of
Winston's book, and in the
outline of the planning procedure above.
Your implementation must use establishes, threatens,
and before links, as well as a depth-1st search with backtracking.
Input Specifications:
The input file consists of 4 different parts (see the test files
listed above for illustration):
- A "declaration" of the variables used in the input file, and
a list of the values they can assume. This declaration is of the
following form:
<type> <value1> <value2> ... <valuei> <variable1> <variable2> ... <variablej>
- A list of IF ADD DELETE rules.
Each rule is written in the following format
OPERATOR <operator name> <argument1> <argument2> ... <argumenti>
Each condition (pre or postcondition) consists of three parts:
one relational symbol and two arguments. We hereby call these conditions
"relational statements". Examples of relational statements are:
move-to ?x table
stack-on ?x ?y
read ?x nil
sell car nil
Identifiers that start with a question mark denote variables.
- The first relational statement above represents the action of moving object ?x to the table.
- The second relational statement represents the action of stacking object ?x on top of object ?y.
- The third relational statement represents the action of reading object ?x.
- The fourth relational statement represents the action of seling a car.
Note that in the last two cases, the second argument is not needed and so "nil" is used
there as a placeholder for the second argument. This is just to simplify your life
as you can assume that all the relational statements have 2 arguments.
Operators are separated by lines that contain the string "#####"
- A list of facts in the initial situation.
This section of the file starts with a line containing the string "INITIAL".
Each fact follows the same format described for relational statement above.
This section of the file ends with a line containing the string "#####".
In the case of an initial empty initial situation, this section of the file
will look like:
- A list of facts in the goal situation.
This section of the file starts with a line containing the string "GOAL".
Each fact follows the same format described for relational statement above.
This section of the file ends with an empty line.
Output Specifications:
Your output should be a full, partially ordered
plan of actions your
program can construct to transform the initial situation into the goal
situation, if such a plan exists or the word "FAILURE" if such a plan
is impossible. In the case that a plan exists, some of the actions may
need to be executed before others,
and so your output should specify any "before" constraints of your plan.
Your output should consist of two parts:
- The word "ACTIONS:" followed by the list of actions in the plan (each on
its own line), ideally printed following a kind of "breadth-1st", level
by level traversal of the plan starting from the initial situation.
- Followed by the title "BEFORE CONSTRAINTS:" and the full list of
"before" constraints.
For instance, the Winston's solution for the block planning problem
described in planning1.txt
(see Winston's figure 15.8) would be printed out as:
moveblock d b table
moveblock a c table
moveblock a table b
moveblock b table c
moveblock d b table BEFORE moveblock a table b
moveblock d b table BEFORE moveblock b table c
moveblock a c table BEFORE moveblock a table b
moveblock a c table BEFORE moveblock b table c
Your Code:
Your code must implement the
outline of the planning procedure above.
In particular, your code must have functions that handle the
instantiation of the variables in an operator; the construction
of all applicable instantiations of the operators to achieve a
subgoal; the search tree with "establishes", "threatens", and
before links; the depth-1st search for the plan; etc.
Although you are welcome to look at other code to guide the design of
your program, you MUST submit your own original code.
Project Submission:
Project 3 Part II is due at 9 pm on Tuesday December 09, 2003.
One (and only one) member of your group should submit the following
files using the
turnin program.
The name of the turnin directory is proj3.
- proj3_readme.txt: Containing:
- the names of the members of your group
- FOR EACH GROUP MEMBER, describe in detail the precise
contribution of the
group member to the overall project under submitted.
- code documentation following the
Departmental Documentation Standard
- instructions on compiling and running your program
- proj3_script.scr:
A capture script of your program working on each of the
sample files above
- The source code for your program
- A complete description of any other heuristics you used in your
program to make your plan construction better.
- Any ancillary files that your program requires
Project Grading:
Note that below we don't assign points to each of the test cases
but to the process that they are
following to construct the answer. Hence the test cases should
be used to give the grader an idea of what your program does right or wrong.
- (10 points) Documentation.
- (30 points) Including "establishes" links correctly:
- (20 points) identifying all alternative instantiations of the
applicable operators for each subgoal.
- (10 points) exploring those alternatives in a depth first manner,
either using the "lexicographic" order, or the
"heuristic" order, or a combination of the two,
as described above
- (25 points) Identifying all threats correctly.
- (20 points) Resolving threats using before links when possible.
- (10 points) Backtracking appropriately if threats cannot be resolved
using before links.
- (05 points) Producing a full, partially ordered plan using "backwards"
- Total: 100 points.
Graduate Credit Problem:
Due on Tuesday, Dec. 09 at 9 pm.
(Adapted from Dean, Allen, and Aloimonos's book).
Discuss how you would need to modify your planning system so that it is
able to handle planning situations in which there is a pool of resources
that need to be allocated and disallocated. Discuss the extensions
needed to handle each of the following type of resources:
- (10 points)Resources that are discrete and reusable, for instance
tools, cpus, etc.
- (10 points)Resources that are continuous, for instance fuel.
- (10 points)Resources that are non-reusable, for instance parts.
- (10 points)Resources that are shareable, for instance vehicles.