WPI Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Computer Science Department

CS4341 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 
HOMEWORK 1 - C 2000


DUE DATE: Tuesday, Jan 25 at 5 pm. 

Problem 1 (40 points + extra-points): Problem Solving Strategies

Consider the following puzzle (taken from Russell and Norvig's textbook, 1995)

This puzzle consists in finding a substitution of the letters F, O, R, T, Y, E, N, S, I, X by digits such that when each of these letters is replaced by the corresponding digit, the following sum is still arithmetically correct.


This puzzle has solutions. One of them is

F = 2, O = 9, R = 7, T = 8, Y = 6, E = 5, N = 0, S = 3, I = 1, X = 4


+ 850
+ 850

is arithmetically correct. Solutions to the puzzle should not repeat digits.

Your mission is to:

  1. Design a computer system that uses the generate-and-test strategy to solve this puzzle.

  2. Write a computer program using any high level programming language (Lisp, Prolog, C, C++, ...) that implements the system you designed to solve this puzzle. Your program must run in the CCC machines.

  3. You will receive extra credit if:

    For this problem, you need to "turnin" the following material by the deadline:

Problem 2: Search (60 points)

Consider the graph on page 634 (figure E4.1) of your textbook. S denotes the starting state and G denotes the goal state. The number attached to each edge in the graph represents the COST of traversing the edge. Assume also that the ESTIMATED distances to the goal are given by the following table:
S G 10
A G 8
B G 5
C G 1.4
D G 9
E G 6
F G 2
G G 0
For EACH of the following search methods show the search tree as it is explored/expanded by the method until it finds a path from S to G. Number the nodes in the order in which they are expanded by each method. Show your work.
  1. Depth 1st
  2. Breadth 1st
  3. Depth-limited Search (depth-limit = 3)
  4. Iterative Deepening Search
  5. Branch-and-bound (= Uniform Cost Search)
  6. Greedy Search (= Best 1st Search)
  7. A*
  8. Hill-climbing
  9. Beam Search (m = 2)

Problem G: Additional Graduate Credit Problem (20 points)

We have computed optimal paths under the assumption that COSTS are non-negative. Suppose that we remove that assumption. Discuss how allowing some of the costs (both g and h values) to be negative would affect the search methods below, and illustrate the effects of this change with examples.
  1. Depth 1st
  2. Breadth 1st
  3. Depth-limited Search
  4. Iterative Deepening Search
  5. Branch-and-bound (= Uniform Cost Search)
  6. Greedy Search (= Best 1st Search)
  7. A*
  8. Hill-climbing
  9. Beam Search