This is the fourth in series of Wireshark labs, where this one is designed to let you use Wireshark to the Ethernet protocol and the ARP protocol. You will turn in your trace as well as answers to some questions based on the data you gathered.
You will work through the entire Wireshark lab associated with Chapter 5 of the Kurose and Ross course textbook:
Follow the instructions in the lab carefully, with the one exception that you must save your capture file (Via "File" --> "Save") as the very last step of the lab.
You will submit:
The lab has 17 questions you need to answer (the two extra credit questions at the end are optional). Provide brief, but accurate, answers to the questions based on the analysis in your trace. Type up your answers into a text file (or something similar), being sure to include your name and login at the top.
You must also include the Wireshark capture file that you used to answer the questions.
When ready, combine (via zip or tar) everything up into a single
archive file named
Submit your document electronically via the Web-based "Turnin" by 11:59pm on the day the assignment is due. Turnin can be accessed here:
The Turnin assignment ID is wire4.
You will be graded based on: 1) your ability to follow the instructions to gather the appropriate trace(s), and 2) the accuracy of your answers with respect to the Wireshark capture file you turnin. There are 14 questions in the lab, and each question is equally weighted.
Grading Guidelines | |
Wireshark | Answers |
30% | 70% |
Grading Rubric:
90-100: The Wireshark capture file is present, answers to the questions are thorough and accurate.
80-89: The Wireshark capture file is present, all questions are answered but some answers are incorrect.
70-79: The Wireshark capture file is present but incomplete or incorrect, but questions are all accurate or the Wireshark file is present but there are many incorrect answers.
60-69: The Wireshark capture file is missing or incorrectly captured, and numerous questions are not answered or are answered incorrectly.
0-50: The Wireshark capture file is missing or totally incorrect, the answers to the questions are missing or mostly incorrect.
Send all project questions to the Staff mailing list (cs3516-staff at