UNIX Input/Output Buffering

When a C program begins execution, the operating system environment is responsible for opening three files and providing file pointers to them:

These are declared in <stdio.h>. The library routine fprintf() is built on the system call write() for formating output and error messages. It buffers messages. The library routine scanf() is used for reading formated input. It is built on the system call read().


fprintf(stderr, "An error has occurred.\n");
fprintf(stdout, "The output is %d\n", sum);
printf("The output is %d\n", sum);   /* equivalent to above */

What is the output of the following program?

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("hello there, ");
    if (fork())
        printf("this is parent process %d\n", getpid());
        printf("this is child process %d\n", getpid());

Because the output is buffered and then duplicated on the fork(), the output is

hello there, this is parent process 895
hello there, this is child process 8139
Buffer will flush when the process exits or when the routine fflush() is used. For example, fflush(stdout), or fflush(stderr). If debugging, always use fflush().

Process Coordination

Process coordination or concurrency control deals with mutual exclusion and synchronization.

Mutual exclusion--ensure that two concurrent activities do not access shared data (resource) at the same time, critical region--set of instructions that only one process can execute.

Synchronization--using a condition to coordinate the actions of concurrent activities. A generalization of mutual exclusion.

When considering process coordination, we must keep in mind the following situations:

Deadlock occurs when two activities are waiting each other and neither can proceed. For example:

Suppose processes A and B each need two tape drives to continue, but only one drive has been assigned to each of them. If the system has only 2 drives, neither process can ever proceed.

Starvation occurs when a blocked activity is consistently passed over and not allowed to run. For example:

Consider two cpu bound jobs, one running at a higher priority than the other. The lower priority process will never be allowed to execute. As we shall see, some synchronization primitives lead to starvation.

Mutual Exclusion

A solution to the mutual exclusion problem should satisfy the following requirements:
mutual exclusion
-- never allow more than one process to execute in a critical section simultaneously
environment independent
-- no assumptions on relative process speeds or number of processors
resources shared only in critical region
-- no process stopped outside of the critical region should block other processes
bounded waiting
-- once a process has made a request to enter a critical region, there must be a bound on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter the critical sections before the request is granted.

Critical Sections

A critical section is a group of instructions that must be executed as a unit while other activity is excluded. Consider two processes A and B:

int x = 0;  /* global shared variable (not Unix!) */
    printf(``X = %d\n'', x);

    printf(``X = %d\n'', x);

    int Temp; /* local variable */
    Temp = x;
    Temp = Temp + 1;
    x = Temp;

If x starts with an initial value of 0, what will its ending value be?

In our example, the three statements in IncrementX are a critical section; once execution in the critical section begins, we must insure that it completes before any other activity executes that critical section.

Because Temp is a variable local to IncrementX, the variable will be different for the two processes.

How to ensure that IncrementX is executed as a critical region? Need primitives to enforce execution as a critical region: BeginRegion() and EndRegion. With mutual exclusion the program is

int x = 0;  /* global shared variable */
    printf(``X = %d\n'', x);

    printf(``X = %d\n'', x);

    int Temp; /* local variable */

    BeginRegion();  /* enter critical region */
    Temp = x;
    Temp = Temp + 1;
    x = Temp;
    EndRegion();   /* exit critical region */

Disabling Interrupts (and Context Switching)

One of the simplest ways to enforce mutual exclusion is to:
Disable interrupts at the start of the critical section.
Ensure that the activity doesn't give up the CPU before completing the critical region (e.g., don't context switch by calling resched or any routine that does).
Re-enable interrupts at the end of the critical section.



Disabling interrupts has the following disadvantages:

One must be careful not to disable interrupts for too long; devices that raise interrupts need to be serviced!
Disabling interrupts prevents all other activities, even though many may never execute the same critical region. Disabling interrupts is like using a sledge hammer; a very powerful tool, but bigger than needed for most jobs.
Programmer must remember to restore interrupts when leaving the critical section (may not have user level access)
The programmer must be careful about nesting. Activities that disable interrupts must restore them to their previous settings. In particular, if interrupts are already disabled before entering a critical region, they must remain disabled after leaving the critical region. Code in one critical region may call a routine that executes a different critical region.
Technique is ineffective on multiprocessor systems, where multiple processes may be executing in parallel. Parallel processing execute multiple processes in parallel. This differs from multiprogramming where only one process can actually execute at one time; the ``parallel'' execution is simulated.

Busy Waiting

Another approach is to define a boolean variable that is set to ``true'' if some activity is currently executing the critical region, ``false'' otherwise. One (shortsighted!) solution might be:

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
int mutex;         /* also called lock variable */

BeginRegion()      /* Loop until safe to enter */
    while (mutex) 
        ; /* do nothing until FALSE */
    mutex = TRUE;

EndRegion()       /* Exit critical section */
    mutex = FALSE;

    /* code for critical section */

Code for BeginRegion() compiles to

	lw	$14, mutex      ; load mutex into register 14
	beq	$14, 0, $33     ; branch to $33 if mutex is 0 (FALSE)
	lw	$15, mutex      ; load mutex into register 15
	bne	$15, 0, $32     ; branch to $32 if mutex is 1 (TRUE)
	li	$24, 1          ; load a 1 (TRUE) into register 24
	sw	$24, mutex      ; store value into mutex

Do our routines work correctly? No! A process that finds mutex set to FALSE may get past the bne statement but be rescheduled before it actually changes the value of mutex. While it sits on the ready list, another process that test the value of mutex will find its value set to FALSE.

Solution: we need a mechanism for atomically fetching and setting the value of mutex. That is, we want to fetch the value, and if it is FALSE, set it to TRUE, all in one instruction. If such a step takes more than one instruction, a process could be interrupted or rescheduled before it has a chance to finish the job.

Test-and-Set Lock Instruction

Most machine provides provide an atomic ``test and set'' instruction for this purpose. Most test-and-set instructions have the following semantics:
int test_and_set(int *pVar, int value)
    int temp;

    temp = *pVar;
    *pVar = value;

BeginRegion and EndRegion can now be rewritten as:

BeginRegion()      /* Loop until safe to enter */
    while (test_and_set(&mutex, TRUE)) ;
        /* Loop until return value is false  */;

    mutex = FALSE;

Advantages of above approach:

It works!
It works for any number of processors (used by multiprocessor)

Disadvantage of above approach: CPU busy-waits until it can enter the critical region, wasting resources.


int n = 0; /* shared by all processes */

    int produce(), consume();
    /* wait until done */
produce() /* ``produce'' values of n */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2000; i++)
        n++;  /* increment n by 1 */
consume() /* ``Consume'' and print values of n */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2000; i++)
        printf("n is %d\n", n); /* print value of n */

Assume goal is for the consumer to print each value produced. What output does the program generate?

Problem: producer and consumer need to synchronize with each other.


Counting Semaphores are an abstract entity provided by an operating system (not the hardware). Semaphores:

First introduced by Dijkstra (1965) as binary semaphores and the operations were P (wait) and V (signal).

Can be used to implement mutual exclusion:

int sem;

sem = semcreate(1);



Example with Fix

int produced, consumed; /* semaphores */
int n = 0;
    int produce(), consume();
    consumed = semcreate(0);
    produced = semcreate(1);
    /* wait until done */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2000; i++) {
        n++;  /* increment n by 1 */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<2000; i++) {
        printf("n is %d\n", n); /* print value of n */

Now consumer prints all values of n (0-1999).

Things to note:

Advantages of semaphores:

Disadvantages of semaphores:

can only be invoked by processes--not interrupt service routines because interrupt routines cannot block
user controls synchronization--could mess up.

UNIX version (with our routines)

/* in /cs/cs3013/public/example/prodcons.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "/cs/cs3013/example/lib/sem.h"
int produced, consumed; /* semaphores */
int *pn;
    int produce(), consume();

    pn = (int *)shmcreate(sizeof(int));
    *pn = 0;
    consumed = semcreate(0);
    produced = semcreate(1);
    shmdelete((char *)pn);
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
        (*pn)++;  /* increment n by 1 */
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
        printf("n is %d\n", *pn); /* print value of n */

CreateProcess(int (*pFunc)())
    int pid;

    if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {