CS2301 - B-term 10

Homework 3 Gradesheet

Documentation (30 points)

	README as specified (10)  	          _____

        comments and formatting (10)              _____
             inadequate (0)
             adequate (5)
             good (10)                                   

        pre- and post-conditions (10)             _____
             inadequate or missing (0)
             adequate (5)
             good (10)

Correctness (70 points)

	program compiles with no warnings (5)	  _____

        inputPhrase meets specifications
              two parameters as specified (5)     _____

              accepts phrase <= MAXSIZE (5)       _____

              returns correct size (5)            _____

              returns 1 or 0 as specified (5)     _____

        cleanUpPhrase meets specifications
              two parameters as specified (5) 	  _____

              all non-alphabetics removed (5)     _____

              all letters lower case (5)          _____

              correct size returned (5)           _____
        countChar meets specifications
              three parameters as specified (5)   _____

              returns correct count (5)           _____

        isAnagram meets specifications
              four parameters as specified (5)    _____

              returns correct answer (5)          _____

        only 5 variables in main (5)              _____

				     SUBTOTAL:    _____ (100)

If this box is checked _____ your program did not compile successfully.
Zero points have been earned for Correctness.

If this box is checked _____ your program was turned in late.  This is
your first late submission, so no penalty will be applied.

If this box is checked _____ your program was turned in late.  This is
your second or subsequent late submission, so a penalty of 25 points
has been applied.

                                        GRADE:    _____ (100)

This assignment was graded by: