CS2301 - B-term 10

Homework 1 Gradesheet

Documentation (25 points)

      README as specified (10)                          _____

      Descriptive variable names (5)                    _____

      Comments (5)                                      _____

      Indentation and formatting (5)                    _____

Total Documentation                                              _____

Program Output (10 points)

      Clear instructions to user (5)                    _____

      Formatting (prompts, blank lines, etc) (5)        _____

Total Program Output                                             _____

Correctness (65 points)

      Program compiles without warning messages (5)     _____

      Parses user input correctly (10)                  _____

      S command works correctly (5)                     _____

      arithmetic commands work (20)                     _____

      E command works (5)                               _____

      Allows multiple spaces before operator (5)        _____

      Division by zero detected (5)                     _____

      Invalid command detected (5)                      _____

      Other (5)                                         _____

Total Correctness                                                _____

TOTAL                                                            _____

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