CS2223 Algorithms. B-2005     Solutions Exam 1 - November 21, 2005

Prof. Carolina Ruiz. Department of Computer Science. Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Solutions by Prof. Carolina Ruiz


  • Show your work
  • Justify your answers
  • Ask in case of doubt

    Problem I. Asymptotic Growth Rates (20 points)

    Prove rigorously the following (called symmetry) property of theta:
    For any positive functions f(n) and g(n): f(n) is Θ(g(n)) if and only if g(n) is Θ(f(n))



    f(n) is Θ(g(n)) if and only if f(n) is O(g(n)) and also f(n) is Ω(g(n)) by the definition of Θ if and only if g(n) is Ω(f(n)) and also g(n) is O(f(n)) as proven in Quiz 1 if and only if g(n) is Θ(f(n)) by the definition of Θ.

    Problem II. Asymptotic Growth Rates (10 points)

    Take the following list of functions and arrange them in ascending order of growth rate. That is, if function g(n) immediately follows function f(n) in your list, then it should be the case that f(n) is O(g(n)).


    Here are the functions ordered in ascending order of growth rate: One way to figure out that g4(n) = nlog n is O(2n) is by taking log of both functions. Remember that log is a monotonically increasing function and also note that g4(n) = nlog n and g1(n) = 2n are both greater than 2 for large values of n Hence, the conditions in the solution of Exercise 5 Part (a) in Homework 2 are satified. Hence taking log to each of these functions we get that log(nlog n) = (log n)2 which grows slower than log(2n) = n. and so g4(n) = nlog n is O(2n).

    Problem III. Graph Algorithms (35 points)

    Consider the depth-1st search algorithm discussed in class and in the textbook.
        - An undirected graph G = (V,E), where |V| = n and |E| = m.
          Let's assume that the graph G is connected.
        - A node s in V.
    Output: None, but the DFS procedure traverses the nodes in G 
              in depth first order, starting with s.
    DFS(G,s) {
     1.  For all nodes u in V { 
     2.    explored[u] := false
     3.  Add s to the top of an empty stack K
     4.  While K is not empty {
     5.     Remove the top node of the stack K. Let's call that node u. 
     6.     If explored[u] == false then {
     7.         explored[u] := true
     8.         For each edge (u,v) incident to u {
     9.             add v to the top of the stack K

    1. (20 points) Analyze the time complexity of the DFS algorithm above by calculating its big-O growth rate, ASSUMING THAT THE GRAPH G IS REPRESENTED USING ADJACENCY LISTS. For your analysis, show how much time each line of the algorithm will take each time it is executed and also how much time each line of the algorithm will take over all the iterations of the for and while loops. Give the tightest possible upper bound in your big-O analysis.

      Explain your answers.


        time taken for ONE iteration and why time taken for ALL iterations and why
      1. constant1
      to increment the counter
      n * constant1
      as it iterates over all nodes in V.
      2. constant2
      to write on the array cell
      n * constant2
      as it iterates over all nodes in V.
      3. constant3
      to add s on top of the stack
      as this line is executed only once.
      4. constant4
      to check if K is empty
      constant4 * 2m
      since the while loop is repeated as many times as nodes are added to the stack. Since a node is added to the stack when an edge incident to the node is found, then the maximum number of nodes added is equal to the sum over all nodes u in V of the degree(u), which is 2m.
      5. constant5
      to remove the top node in K
      constant5 * 2m
      since the while loop is repeated 2m times as explained above
      6. constant6
      to access explored[u]
      constant6 * 2m
      since the while loop is repeated 2m times as explained above
      7. constant7
      to access explored[u]
      constant7 * n
      since each node is changed from "unexplored" to "explored" exactly once. Note that since the graph is connected, then n ≤ m-1.
      8. constant8
      to advance the pointer over u's adjacency list
      constant8 * 2m
      since the for loop is repeated degree(u) times for node u, for a total of 2m (= the sum over all nodes u in the graph of degree(u)) times.
      9. constant9
      to add a node to the top of K
      constant9 * 2m
      since the maximum number of nodes added to the stack is 2m times as explained above

      Total complexity: O(n + m), that is linear in the size of the input graph.

    2. (15 points) Now, ASSUME THAT THE GRAPH G IS REPRESENTED USING AN ADJACENCY MATRIX. State clearly what changes need to be made to your complexity analysis above. For the lines of your analysis that remain unchanged (both in terms of the complexity and the explanation), JUST WRITE "SAME" IN THE CORRESPONDING LINES BELOW. Give the tightest possible upper bound in your big-O analysis for this new representation.

      Explain your answer.


        time taken for ONE iteration and why time taken for ALL iterations and why
      1. same same
      2. same same
      3. same same
      4. same same
      5. same same
      6. same same
      7. same same
      8. constant8
      to increment the counter over the row u of the adjacency matrix
      constant8 * n * n
      since one full row of the adjacency matrix (length n) must be explored in order to determine which nodes are adjacent to u, and this is repeated for each of the n nodes in the graph (since each node is converted from "unexplored" to "explored" at some point during the execution of the algorithm).
      9. same same

      Total complexity: O(n + m + (n*n)) = O(n2), since m ≤ n*n.

    Problem IV. Graph Algorithms (35 points)

    Extend the topological ordering algorithm discussed in class and in the textbook so that, given an input directed graph G which may or may not be a DAG (directed acyclic graph), it outputs one of two things: The runtime of your algorithm should be O(m + n) for a directed graph with n nodes and m edges.

    1. (20 points) Provide your detailed algorithm here:


      In this solutions, we'll use the following data structures and variables: - An array IncomingEdges of size n, such that IncomingEdges[v] = # of incoming edges into node v at a given point during the execution. - A linked list Orphans containing the list of nodes with zero incoming edges at a given point during the execution. - An array OrderedNodes of size n, such that OrderedNodes[i] = the ith node in the topological ordering. - A counter i to access the OrderedNodes array This counter will also be used to determine whether all n nodes have been added to the OrderedNodes at the end of the algorithm (if so, then there is a topological ordering of G) or not (hence, G has a cycle). Algorithm: ModifiedTopologicalOrdering(G = (V,E) with n nodes and m edges) { For each node u in G { IncomingEdges[u] := 0 } // The above for loop takes O(n) time // For each node v in G { For each edge (v,u) leaving from node v { IncomingEdges[u] := IncomingEdges[u] + 1 } } // The above for loop takes O(m) time as the adjacency lists of all nodes are traversed for a total of 2m = sum of degree(v) over all nodes v in G // Create an empty linked list Orphans // Creating an empty list takes O(1) time // For each v in G { If IncomingEdges[u] == 0 { Add u to the list of Orphans nodes // This addition can be done in O(1) time by inserting u first in the list// } } // The above for loop takes O(n) time // i := 0 // This assignment takes constant (i.e., O(1)) time // While Orphans is not empty { // This loop will be repeated at most n times // Let w be the first node in the Orphans list // This line takes O(1) time, for a total of O(n) time over all the loop iterations // Remove w from the Orphans list // This line takes O(1) time, for a total of O(n) time over all the loop iterations // i := i + 1 // This line takes O(1) time, for a total of O(n) time over all the loop iterations // OrderedNodes[i] := w // This line takes O(1) time, for a total of O(n) time over all the loop iterations // For each edge (w,u) leaving from node w { IncomingEdges[u] := IncomingEdges[u] - 1 If IncomingEdges[u] == 0 { Add u to the list of Orphans nodes // This addition can be done in O(1) time by inserting u first in the list// } } // The above for loop takes O(m) time over all executions of the while loop as, in the worst case, the adjacency lists of all nodes are traversed for a total of 2m = sum of degree(v) over all nodes v in G // Remove w from graph G (that is, assign "nil" to the adjacency list of w) // This line takes O(1) time, for a total of O(n) time over all the loop iterations // } If i = n then { // This line takes O(1) time // // this means that all nodes in G were added to the topological ordering // return OrderedNodes // This line takes O(1) time // } else { // This line takes O(1) time // // this means that all remaining nodes in G have at least one incoming edge, and so as proven in Fact 3.19 (p. 102), G contains a cycle involving the nodes still remaining in G // return "cycle" // This line takes O(1) time // // For the extra credit you can run the algorithm given in the solutions of Exercise 2 (Chapter 3) in Homework 3 using the current graph G (after the node removals done above to the original graph); or simply you can realize that there are still n-i remaining nodes in G, and hence if you follow any path of length (n-i) it will for sure contain a cycle, as proven in the textbook in Fact 3.19 (p. 102). // // This takes O(m + n) time as shown in Homework 3// } }
    2. (15 points) Prove in detail that your algorithm runs in O(n + m), as required.


      A detailed complexity analysis of each part of the algorithm was provided together with the algorithm above. The total time complexity of the algorithm is then O(n + m).