CS 2102 (D15): Object-Oriented Design Concepts
Programming Exam Details

Wednesday's in-lab programming exam is designed to make sure you can do basic Java programming on your own. It isn't meant to be tricky, but rather to make sure you are able to do straightforward programming without the help of others.

How It Works

During the lab

You need to take the exam in your registered lab time. If you cannot, you must contact Professor Fisler by the end of Monday. myWPI and Turnin will provide access based on your registered lab times. If you try to take the test at a different time, you will not have access to the materials and/or submission areas.

If you have an academic accommodation and will be starting the exam at a different time from your registered lab, let Professor Fisler know.

What to expect



This test is designed to (a) make sure that you can do essential Java programming, and (b) let you make up for points lost earlier in the term (especially on the midterm). You will pass the test as long as your code compiles and you get the required method (mostly) working.

If you don't pass the test, you won't earn any points to offset prior losses. I will also look closely at your midterm and final exams to determine whether you should pass the course. This means you should focus on getting the required method to work first, then work on the parts that earn points back from the midterm.

If you do pass the test, parts of this exam can offset points lost on the midterm. The parts that earn offset points will be labeled on the problem statement. Failing to get to the "offset" parts will not lower your overall grade on the corresponding theme (meaning, for example, if the exam gives you a chance to offset program design points by encapsulating something, your overall program design theme grade won't drop if you don't get to this part). Once you pass, the exam only raises your grade.

Your code should follow good OO programming style as we have discussed all term (putting methods in the right classes, sharing duplicated code, avoiding instanceOf, using meaningful field names, etc). While you can still pass with some style violations, they will count heavily in offsetting losses from the midterm.