1 What is an Exception?
1.1 Creating and Throwing Exceptions
1.2 Catching Exceptions
1.3 Understanding Exceptions by Understanding Call Stacks
1.4 Housekeeping:   annotating intermediate methods
2 Summarizing Try/  Catch blocks
2.1 Handling Incorrect Passwords
2.2 Optional:   Converting One Exception To Another
3 Checked Versus Unchecked Exceptions


Kathi Fisler

We have encapsulated the data structures and added a simple (1970’s-era) user interface. We are left with one last problem to resolve: what should the findByNum and findByName methods do if no customer or account matched the given input data?

Right now, both methods return null, as a way of saying "no answer". While this approach gets past the compiler, it is not a good solution because it clutters up the code of other methods that call findByNum and findByName. Think about getBalance. Ideally, we would like to write this method as follows:

  class BankingService {


    public double getBalance(int forAcctNum) {

      Account acct = accounts.findByNum(forAcctNum) ;

      return acct.getBalance();



However, if findByNum returns null (to indicate that no such account number exists), Java will raise an error at runtime when it tries to compute acct.getBalance(). To guard against that, we might modify the code to read:

  class BankingService {


    public double getBalance(int forAcctNum) {

      Account acct = accounts.findByNum(forAcctNum) ;

      if (acct != null)

        return acct.getBalance();


        return ???; // some dummy value must go here



This code has two key flaws:

  1. The logic of the program has been obscured by the if-statement. The if-statement is really a check on the behavior of a different method (findByNum); it should not clutter up the code of this one.

  2. Returning dummy values is never a good idea, because the computation that receives the dummy value must be able to distinguish valid from invalid data. That requires something akin to the if-statement, which we argued against in the previous point.

Ideally, we need a way to clearly write methods that use findByNum and findByName, while letting these two methods alert methods that call them when something goes wrong. The appropriate programming construct for this is called an exception. As the name implies, exceptions are designed to help programs flag and handle situations that would otherwise complicate the normal logic of the program you are trying to write.

1 What is an Exception?

Exceptions (or some similar notion) exist in most mainstream programming languages. Intuitively, if a function encounters a situation that is not expected, it does not try to return a normal value. Instead, it announces that a problem occured (by throwing or raising an exception). Other methods watch for announcements and try to recover gracefully.

Isn’t returning null an announcement that something went wrong? Yes, but we’ve just seen that if we return null, the code that called findByNum has to check whether an announcement got made and handle it before calling getBalance. Exceptions use a separate communication channel (as it were) for announcements, This lets methods separate out the "normal" code from the "announcement-handling" code; it keeps the code cleaner and will help direct announcements to the part of the code that can best respond to them.

We’ll make this concept more concrete by working with findByName.

1.1 Creating and Throwing Exceptions

Our goal is to replace the return null statement from the current findByName code with an exception to alert to the rest of the code that something unexpected happened (in this case, the customer was not found). The Java construct that raises alerts is called throw. Our first step, then, is to replace the return null statement with a throw statement:

  class CustSet implements ICustSet {


    // return the Customer whose name matches the given name

    public Customer findByName(String name) {

      for (Customer cust:customers) {

        if (cust.getName() == name)

          return cust;


      throw <some object indicating that the name was not found>



Next, we need to provide the specific exception to throw. In Java, an exception is an object in the Exception class. We create a subclass of Exception for each different type of alert that we want to raise in our program. In this case, we will create a new exception class for user-not-found errors:

  class CustNotFoundException extends Exception {

    String unfoundName;


    CustNotFoundException(String name) {

      this.unfoundName = name;



An exception subclass should store any information that might be needed later to respond to the exception. In this case, we store the name of the customer that could not be found. This info would be useful, for example, in printing an error message that indicated which specific customer name could not be found.

Finally, we modify findByName to throw a CustNotFoundException if it fails to find the customer. Three modifications are required:

  interface ICustSet {

    Customer findByName(String name) throws CustNotFoundException;



  class CustSet implements ICustSet {


    // return the Customer whose name matches the given name

    public Customer findByName(String name)

      throws CustNotFoundException {

      for (Customer cust:customers) {

        if (cust.getName() == name)

          return cust;


      throw new CustNotFoundException(name);



1.2 Catching Exceptions

Exceptions are neat because they let us (as programmers) control what part of the code handles the errors that exceptions report. Think about what happens when you encounter a login error when using a modern web-based application: the webpage (your user interface) tells you that your username or password was incorrect and prompts you to try logging in again. That’s the same behavior we want to implement here.

To do this at the level of code, we will use another new construct in Java called a try-catch block. We "try" running some method that might result in an exception. If the exception is thrown, we "catch" it and handle it. Here’s a try-catch pair within the loginScreen (which is where we already said we want to handle the error:

  public void loginScreen() {

    // prompt for user to enter name and password

    System.out.println("Welcome to the Bank.  Please log in.");

    System.out.print("Enter your username: ");

    String username = keyboard.next();

    System.out.print("Enter your password: ");

    int password = keyboard.nextInt();

    try {


      System.out.println("Login successful");

    } catch (CustNotFoundException e) {

      System.out.println("Login Failed. Try Again");




Notice the try encloses both the call to login and the println that login succeeded. When you set up a try, you have it enclose the entire sequence of statements that should happen if the exception does NOT get thrown. As Java runs your program, if any statement in the try block yields an exception, Java ignores the rest of the try block and hops down to the catch block. Java runs the code in the catch block, and continues from there.

[Note: if you’ve only typed in the code to this point and try to compile, you will get errors regarding the login method – hang on – we’re getting to those by way of the next section.]

1.3 Understanding Exceptions by Understanding Call Stacks

To understand how exceptions work, you need to understand a bit more about how Java evaluates your programs.

Exceptions aside, what happens "under the hood" when Java runs your program and someone tries to log in? Our main method started by calling the loginScreen method; this method calls other methods in turn, with methods often waiting on the results of other methods to continue their own computations. Java maintains a stack (we discussed those briefly in the data structures lectures) of method calls that haven’t yet completed. When we kick off loginScreen, this stack contains just the call to that method.

Separately from the stack, Java starts running the code in your method statement by statement. Imagine an arrow alongside your code that tracks which statement Java is currently evaluating (statements above the arrow are already completed).

Switch now to the slideshow, which walks through how Java executes programs with try/catch blocks, showing what we mean by the "arrow alongside code".

The slideshow you just saw simplifies a couple of details. There may be multiple try markers on the stack (because you can have multiple try blocks), and the stack has ways of "remembering" where it left off in pending method calls. We ignore those details here in the hopes of giving you the bigger picture.

1.4 Housekeeping: annotating intermediate methods

As our demonstration of the stack just showed, the CustNotFoundExn exception "passes through" certain classes as it comes back from the findByName method. The Java compiler needs every method to acknowledge what exceptions might get thrown while it is running. We therefore have to add the same throws annotations to each method that does not want to catch the exception as it passes through on the way to the marker. For example, the login method needs to look as follows:

  public void login(String custname, int withPwd)

                         throws CustNotFoundException {

    Customer cust = customers.findByName(custname);



Once you put these additional throws annotations on the code, the code should compile and Java will report failed logins through the loginScreen. Here is the full code at this point.

2 Summarizing Try/Catch blocks

At this point, you should understand that throw statements go hand-in-hand with try/catch blocks. Whenever a method declares that it can throw an exception, any method that calls it needs a try/catch statement to process the exception.

More generally, a try-catch block looks as follows:

  try {

    <the code to run, assuming no exceptions>

  } catch <Exception> {

    <how to recover from the exception>


You can have multiple catch phrases, as we will see in later examples.

2.1 Handling Incorrect Passwords

Now that you’ve seen one example of exceptions, let’s try another. As an exercise for yourself, change the tryLogin method in the Customer class (which checks the password) so that it throws an exception from a new class called LoginFailedException.

Try it before reading further.

You should have ended up with the following:

  // ------ the new exception class --------

  class LoginFailedException extends Exception {




  // ------ in the customer class --------

  class Customer {

    // check whether the given password matches the one for this user

    public void tryLogin(int withPwd) throws LoginFailedException {

      if (this.password != withPwd)

        throw new LoginFailedException();



In addition, we have to add a catch block for these exceptions. Where do we want to catch a FailedLoginException? As before, we would like to catch this in the loginScreen method. We can add another catch block to that method.

  public void loginScreen() {

    // prompt for user to enter name and password

    System.out.println("Welcome to the Bank.  Please log in.");

    System.out.print("Enter your username: ");

    String username = keyboard.next();

    System.out.print("Enter your password: ");

    int password = keyboard.nextInt();

    try {


      System.out.println("Login successful");

    } catch (CustNotFoundException e) {

      System.out.println("Login Failed. Try Again");


    } catch (FailedLoginException e) {

      System.out.println("Login Failed. Try Again");




As with the CustNotFoundException, you have to put throws annotations on all methods that can either throw or pass along the FailedLoginException.

2.2 Optional: Converting One Exception To Another

Some of you may look at the catch clauses in the loginSrcreen method and have some concerns: Both exceptions seem to point to the same core problem (with the same recovery) – we couldn’t log in the user. Indeed, many systems don’t tell the user whether their login problem was due to the username or the password. It’s all just one common "failed login" message and recovery.

What if we wanted the loginScreen to only get FailedLoginException, letting the login method somehow "convert" the CustomerNotFoundException to a FailedLoginException? There’s a nice design idea here – many methods may call findByName, but the signicance of a failure to find the user is different in each case. Each such method could do a little processing on the exception to give its callers a more useful interpretation of the problem.

Let’s do that here: we will have the login method convert the CustomerNotFoundException to a FailedLoginException. This happens within the catch statement.

  class BankingService {


    public Customer login(String custname, int withPwd)

      throws LoginFailedException {

      try {

        Customer cust = customers.findByName(custname);


        return cust;

      } catch (CustNotFoundException e) {

        throw new LoginFailedException();




Now that this is done, the loginScreen will only ever catch FailedLoginExceptions.

  // set up a Scanner to read input from the keyboard

  private Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);


  // the method that prompts for input then tries to log in

  public void loginScreen() {

     System.out.println("Welcome to the Bank.  Please log in.");

     System.out.print("Enter your username: ");

     String username = keyboard.next();

     System.out.print("Enter your password: ");

     int password = keyboard.nextInt();

     try {


     } catch (LoginFailedException e) {

       System.out.println("Login failed -- please try again\n");




We also must go through ahd fix the throws annotations on each method correspondingly.

The final code is available in this file.

3 Checked Versus Unchecked Exceptions

What we have done so far with try/catch and throw statements are called Checked Exceptions: exceptions that you are using within your application to respond to special situations within your code and what it needs to do. These are "checked" because Java analyzes your code at compile time to make sure that the exceptions will actually be caught.

Sometimes, however, your code has to fail because of a problem outside of your application (perhaps it relies on the network and the network is down, or the system you are running on ran out of memory, for example). In this case, Java also has something called a RuntimeException. These exceptions aren’t checked at compile time, but you can’t recover from them either. They will simply terminate your program. We mention them here in case you ever need these (or if you need a cheap way to silence the compiler until you get to addressing a flaw in your code), but for this course we will only expect you to work with checked exceptions.