1 Datatypes
2 Types and Interfaces
3 Controlling Data Access
4 Abstracting and Sharing Code
5 Testing
6 Algorithmic Techniques
7 Working with Mutation

Perspective and Wrap Up

Kathi Fisler

We’ve covered a lot of material this term. Let’s try to put it in context.

1 Datatypes

                1101/2          2102


Compounds       structs         classes     (core)

Lists              X              X         (core)

Trees              X              X         (core)

BSTs                              X

Balanced BSTs                     X

Heaps                             X

Graphs                            X         (core)

Hashtables                        X

We’ve annotated "core" data structures, each of which supports fundementally different shapes of data.

2102 Themes:

2 Types and Interfaces

We introduced Java interfaces as a way to write down types (since Java requires types), but also showed them as a powerful way to separate implementation from specification. When you are writing code for others to use, give them an interface. Maintain control of the implementation. This lets you maintain the code, or change the implementation over time.

3 Controlling Data Access

1101/2 didn’t cover this material at all. We discussed public/private/etc access modifiers, as well as abstract and static, to constrain how data may be disseminated, created, and used.

4 Abstracting and Sharing Code

Sharing code for common computation helps you create clean code that is easier to maintain. It also helps you define libraries for other people to use (you implement the core data structure, and let people operate over your data structure through pre-defined traversal operations).

                      1101/2               2102


over data             helper function      helper method


over function         function as arg      class containing method

  on atomic data                             to pass as arg


over function on      function as arg      visitor

  data with variants


over types                                 generics

"Data with variants" here refers to any data that has multiple concrete classes for a particular data, such as Animals (having boas and dillos) or media items (having DVDs and books).

2102 Themes:

5 Testing

                          1101/2    2102


Designing test cases        X         X

Testing for correctness     X         X

Testing functions with                write test methods

  multiple right answers

Testing large data                    write test methods

Testing for invariants                use test harness

Testing under mutation                setup and teardown

2102 Themes:

6 Algorithmic Techniques

                              1101/2    2102


Terminating on cyclic data                X

Memoization                               X

2102 Themes:

7 Working with Mutation

Our recent segment on mutation was designed to show you how using mutation puts additional responsibility on programmers to argue for termination, not destroy infrastructure during testing, and backtrack computations properly. The goal was not to say that mutation is evil, but rather that it is a fairly advanced topic.