1 Summary


So far, we’ve considered lists, binary-search trees, and AVL trees as representations of sets. Our comparisons have focused primarily on the worst-case performance of hasElt. Depending on your application, however, checking for membership might not be your primary concern.

What if instead you needed to frequently find the smallest (or largest) element in a set? This does not contradict the "elements are unordered" property of sets. That property refers to how elements are arranged in the data structure; it does not mean that the elements within the set can’t be compared to one another (otherwise, we could never have a set of numbers!).

Consider the set representations we’ve looked at so far. Which would you choose for this problem?

                   | addElt |  hasElt | minElt


Lists              |  C     | linear  | linear

Sorted Lists       | linear | linear  |   C

Binary Search Tree | linear | linear  | linear

AVL Tree           | log    | log     | log

AVL trees seem to have the best balance, if we expect to do a lot of minimum element fetches, the constant access of sorted lists is quite appealing. What kind of data structure would give us both constant access to the least element and good behavior on insertion of new elements?

Heaps are binary trees (not binary search trees) with a simple invariant: the smallest element in the set is at the root of the tree (equivalently, the root could contain the largest element), and the left and right subtrees are also heaps. There are no constraints on how other elements fall across the left and right subtrees. This is a much weaker invariant than we’ve seen previously. To understand whether this invariant is useful, we need to figure out the worst case running time of key operations.

Before we do that though, let’s understand the invariant and how our key set operations have to behave to preserve it. Each of the following is a valid heap on the numbers 1 through 6:

1                           1                    1

 \                         / \                  / \

  2                       2   4                3   2

   \                     /   / \                  / \

    3                   3   6   5                4   5

     \                                          /

      4                                        6





Recall that AVL trees achieve small worst-case running times by requiring that the subtrees at each node be balanced (differ in height by at most 1). Clearly, the heap invariant doesn’t do that (else the leftmost tree wouldn’t be a valid heap).

We often implement data structures through algorithms with better performance guarantees than those required in the invariants. Informally, let’s add "mostly balanced" to our implementation goals. (The "mostly" is why this is an algorithmic issue rather than built into the invariant).

Which operations are responsible for "mostly balanced"? Those that modify the contents of the heap, so in this case, addElt and remElt. With heaps, we are more often interested in removing the minimum element than an arbitrary element, so let’s ignore remElt in favor of remMinElt. We’ll tackle remMinElt by way of an example.

Assume you want to remMinElt from the following heap:


 / \

3   2

   / \

  4   5

 /     \

6       8

       / \

      12  10

Once we remove the 1, we are left with two heaps:

3          2

          / \

         4   5

        /     \

       6       8

              / \

             12  10

We have to merge these into one heap. Clearly, 2 is the smaller of the roots; it will become the root of the new heap. The question is what the two subtrees of the new root will be. Once we remove the 2, we are left with three subtrees to consider:

3        4   5

        /     \

       6       8

              / \

             12  10

To collapse three subtrees into two, we could leave one as is and merge the other two subtrees into one. Which two should we merge and why? Think about it before reading on. [Hint: what constraint are we trying to satisfy with remMinElt?]

Remember our goal: to keep the heap "mostly balanced". That means that we shouldn’t let the new subtrees get any farther apart in depth than they need to be. With that goal in mind, consider each of the three options:

Which combination most closely preserves the overall depth of the heap? Merging creates a new heap that is at least as tall as the two input heaps (and possible taller). For example, if we merge the 3 and 5 heaps, we would have to get a new heap with 3 as the root and the entire 5 subtree as a heap (we could consider re-distributing the values in the 5-heap, but that gets expensive).

If you think about this a bit, it becomes clear that a good way to control growth of the heap on merging is to leave the largest subtree alone and merge the two shorter subtrees. This is indeed the approach. In pseudocode:

  Merge (H1, H2) {

   let newroot = min(root(H1), root(H2))

   if newroot == min(root(H1))

     let ST1 = H1.left

         ST2 = H1.right

         ST3 = H2


     let ST1 = H2.left

         ST2 = H2.right

         ST3 = H1

   if ST1.height >= ST2.height && ST1.height >= ST3.height

     new Heap (newroot, ST1, Merge (ST2, ST3))

   else if ST2.height >= ST1.height && ST2.height >= ST3.height

     new Heap (newroot, ST2, Merge (ST1, ST3))

   else // ST3 is largest

     new Heap (newroot, ST3, Merge (ST1, ST2))


How close does "mostly balanced" get to our desired goal of log time on remMinElt? Write out the recurrence for Merge:

T(n) <= T(2n/3) + c

This says that if the original pair of heaps have a total of n nodes combined, the recursive call to merge considers at most 2n/3 nodes. Why? The algorithm keeps the tallest subtree in tact. By definition, that subtree has at least 1/3 of the total nodes (otherwise it wouldn’t be the tallest). This leaves 2n/3 nodes left to merge on the next iteration.

If you solve this equation (again, something you will cover in 2223), you find that this recurrence yields the desired log n worst-case time.

What about addElt? Imagine that I want to add the new element 3 to the heap shown on the right:

3          2

          / \

         4   5

        /     \

       6       8

              / \

             12  10

Wait, isn’t this pair of pictures familiar from remMinElt? Yes. Adding an element is equivalent to merging a single-element heap with the existing heap. So addElt occurs in log n time as well.

Heaps constructed by this "keep the largest subtree intact" method are called Maxiphobic heaps (the title is suggestive – avoid processing the large sub-heap when merging).

To wrap up, let’s add Maxiphobic Heaps to our running table:

                   | addElt |  hasElt | minElt


Lists              |  C     | linear  | linear

Sorted Lists       | linear | linear  |   C

Binary Search Tree | linear | linear  | linear

AVL Tree           | log    | log     | log

Maxiphobic Heap    | log n  | linear  | C

1 Summary

We’ve looked at several possible implementations of sets, considering both algorithmic and program design issues. What have we seen?

What have we not done?

– http://www.eecs.usma.edu/webs/people/okasaki/sigcse05.pdf