1 Lab Objectives
2 Problem Setup
3 A Crash Course in Java’s built-in Lists
4 Problems (be sure to finish)
5 Challenge Problem: Longest Common Subsequence
6 What to Turn in

Lab 5

1 Lab Objectives

If you already know Java’s LinkedLists, Hashtables, and Javadoc, feel free to skip to the challenge problem at the end.

2 Problem Setup

Many websites recommend books and movies based on combinations of items that other people have liked. For example, if Sue likes "Avatar" and "Driving Miss Daisy" and Joe likes "Avatar", the system might recommend that Joe watch "Driving Miss Daisy". This week, we use this problem as a foundation for practicing with hashtables, lists, and Javadoc (Java’s documentation system).

Our goal is to create a recommendation system that contains a mapping from users to lists of items that they like. You might want to think about how you would design this before seeing the detailed problems below.

3 A Crash Course in Java’s built-in Lists

We’ve made several references in class to Java’s built-in list implementation (called LinkedList). For today, we just want you to get familiar with how to create and add elements to lists. If you want to use the LinkedList classes, you first need the following statement at the top of your file:

  import java.util.LinkedList;

The LinkedList package has several minor and one major difference from the lists we’ve created manually. The minor differences arise in the names of operators. The major difference is that Java’s operators do not return a new list. Instead, they modify an existing list. We’ll get into the serious implications of this difference next week. For now, it largely means that you have to write your code somewhat differently than before. This is best seen by example. Imagine that we wanted to write code to create a list with one element. Rather than write something like

  new Cons(3,new MtList())

We would write

  LinkedList<Integer> newlist = new LinkedList<Integer>();


  return newlist;

The Java documentation for lists will help you locate other list operations that you might need for this lab.

4 Problems (be sure to finish)

These problems work through information that we will assume you know in the rest of the course. Even if you have to work briefly at home to finish these up, please do so as they will affect future lectures or assignment requirements.

5 Challenge Problem: Longest Common Subsequence

We want to write a function lcs that consumes two strings and produces an string. The output string is the longest common subsequence of characters in the two input strings. Characters in subsequences need not be consecutive in the original word, but they must occur in order. For example, the longest common subsequence of "baseball" and "fable" is "abl". If a world has two subsequences of the same maximal length, return either one.

A good solution to this will take a lazy approach and compute the value for an expression only once. Your submitted solution should not simply generate all possible subsequences from all pairs of positions into the strings then look for the longest (though if thinking about the program this way first helps you get a feel for the problem, feel free).

As a hint, given input strings s1 and s2, you can compute the lcs of the first i chars of s1 and the first j chars of s2 by looking at:

6 What to Turn in

Submit all .java files that you produced for this assignment to the Lab5 area via Turnin.