Advice on Pair Programming

The most important thing to make sure of is that you are both splitting the work evenly. While you will receive the same grades on the homework assignments, the midterm, final, and project are all individual so if one team member does all the work the other will be left unprepared.

Personally, I like to do pair programming where one person types while the other observes, and you switch every 15-20 minutes or so. By both working on the same functions, you both know how ALL the code works and can debug it, explain it, and also don't need to be brought up to speed to figure out difficult problems when they come up. It also means that you'll know how to do everything when you need to do the individually graded parts of the course. In addition, the observer can watch for typos and bugs which means less time spent debugging at the end.

While it might seem more efficient to "divide and conquer," working together like this on each part of the code means that you won't have to go back and fix errors/bugs nearly as often, and will ultimately save you time.

In the end, though, how you choose to work as a team is entirely up to your group. The above is merely my suggestion.

R. Jette (former student in CS 1102)