CS 1102 (A11) Individual Project
Hints for Working on The Implementation Phase

Thoughts on the Language Design

If you're still struggling to get a good language design, look back at the notes from the "Introduction to Languages" lecture: they discuss how a language consists of data, operations on the data, and control commands for ordering operations. What are each of these for a tax form program? It might be easiest to think in terms of the commands first, and the data/control second:

Once you have answers to these questions, a data definition emerges. You need one for the commands (corresponding to the lines in the form). Whether you need one for data depends on whether all of the command data consists of simple built-in types (like strings, symbols, and numbers), or whether you need something more complex (like a slide). A tax program should capture how you order the commands.

If you still don't have a workable language design that follows the above format, don't start on the implementation until you revise your design. You'll waste your time and not get any closer to a working implementation.

Getting Started on the Implementation

Recall that when we introduced the slideshow program, we talked about all the functionality we might want, then started with a smaller portion and built it up over time (as when you added overlays). Take the same approach here. Pick a couple of (easier) commands, and get the interpreter running on those commands. Test it, then expand it to handle more commands.

Why do it this way? Because (a) it makes the project more manageable, and (b) it hopefully gives you something partially working to turn in, rather than a larger jumble of code that doesn't work. The large jumble demonstrates less of what you understand than a working prototype on a smaller language.

Another Useful Racket Construct

Here's another construct that can help on the implementation:

And In General ...

Leave yourself enough time to do this assignment! This project is certainly doable with what we've covered this term, but it does require you to pull together all the material we've covered so far. For most of you, that will take a bit more time than you're probably expecting.

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