The fabric teachpack provides the following images and functions. The color arguments should be symbols of color names (such as 'red or 'teal). The list of known colors is huge and includes all the standard color names. IMAGES (use the names given here to refer to the images) tshirt hat worm chili flower FUNCTIONS TO CREATE FABRIC ;; create-solid-fabric : color number number -> image ;; produces solid color image with given width and height ;; add-print : image image -> image ;; overlays tiles of first image onto second image ;; requires dimensions of first image to be no larger than those of second image ;; add-horiz-stripe : color number image -> image ;; overlays horizontal stripe of given color and height on given image ;; add-vertical-stripe : color number image -> image ;; overlays vertical stripe of given color and width on given image FUNCTIONS TO ALIGN IMAGES ;; move-pinhole-to image integer integer -> image ;; returns given image with pinhole at given x and y coordinates ;; move-pinhole-center : image -> image ;; returns given image with pinhole at image center ;; move-pinhole-topleft : image -> image ;; returns given image with pinhole at top left corner (0,0) Note: the functions for moving pinholes are useful for the stack-logos and side-by-side-logos exercises. DrScheme's overlay-xy function leaves the pinhole as that of the first image; it does not center the pinhole on the combined image. Centering the pinhole on these logos problems makes it easier to add a combined logo to a clothing item.