# Funding a Project - Projects that are part of a grant likely have external funds that can be used to support the project. See your advisor about this possibility. - For project costs (e.g., user study remuneration, PC peripherals, software), students are expected to absorb costs of about a "textbook" each (\$50), per term. For example, a 3-person MQP team might be expected to spend up to \$150 each (total \$450) for the project. - For project costs beyond this, the department can provide support. Currently, this is about \$100/student total. For CS students, see the [CS MQP Team Budgeting](https://tinyurl.com/mrbkf5dy) document for details. - For costs beyond that, CS students can fill out a [Funding Request](https://tinyurl.com/59vfe3r5) that provides a (very) distant option to provide additional funding (again, no guarantees). *Important!* Such a request should be filled out only *after* spending the above money. - For financial help beyond this, including financial concerns, food insecurity, emergency financial Assistance and special circumstances, the [Dean of Students Office](https://www.wpi.edu/offices/dean-students/financial-support) can provide help.