# Report "Dos" and "Don'ts" - The final report must have a front page which conforms to a specific format. As a tip, start with a previous report and just change the title, names, date and advisor. - Number all pages (roman numerals before chapter 1). Regular (Arabic) numerals from the start of chapter 1. - Number all sections and subsections. - Do not use casual writing or slang. - Spell out all contractions. E.g., "do not" instead of "don't". - Spell out all acronyms at first use. E.g., "The Bottleneck Bandwidth and Roundtrip time (BBR) protocol ...". After that, the acronym can be used. - References with bracket style \[\] go before the period of the sentence they refer to. So "...lots of data \[32\]." not "... lots of data.\[32\]" - When drawing upon a reference for multiple facts in one paragraph, the reference should be used once, after the first sentence. It is then implied that the following sentences are drawn from the reference, too. - Be consistent in capitalization across sections headings and captions. e.g., "Results of first trial run" versus "Results of First Trial Run". Either is fine, just be *consistent*. - Avoid passive voice.