commit 34bcdd0fe6ce5da12ba31a299ac2a2613d4cdaeb
Author: Mark Claypool <>
Date:   Sat Oct 8 09:38:25 2022 -0400


diff --git a/ b/
index fb083f3..7080ea4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 pagetitle: "Do the Work"
-version: 0.9
+version: 1.0
 # "Do the Work"

commit 7ffb0c18dadbae00a182b63acac9a263c9c93c93
Author: Mark Claypool <>
Date:   Sat Oct 8 09:38:06 2022 -0400


diff --git a/ b/
index 3479489..fb083f3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,42 +6,42 @@ version: 0.9
 # "Do the Work"
 Think of your progress weeks as sprints.  You could do 2 one-week
-sprints or 1 two-week sprint at this point. (You'll probably want 1
-week sprints for C-term).
-Make a list of tasks to do in the sprint.  These should be
-scrum-like.  Think of user stories.  Make them small enough,
-actionable enough that you can accomplish them.  If they are broader,
-that may be ok, but provide sub-tasks for each so each is actionable
-(i.e., you have a concrete, if brief, description of what it includes,
-like a homework assignment).  Do this as a group!  Everyone should
-brainstorm and contribute to this list, even if one person is
-writing/organizing taking notes while you do this in real time.
-Consider organizing this list in Trello or something similar.
-Put a name by each of the tasks/sub-tasks in the list.  Everyone
-must volunteer *themselves* for this list.  No one is going to assign
-you to items on the list.  This is part of the "step-up" attitude.
-Make sure to have names next to everything on the list.  Some items
+sprints or 1 two-week sprints at the start, and one-week sprints for
+your final term.
+Make a list of tasks to do in the sprint.  These should be scrum-like.
+Think of user stories.  Make them small enough, actionable enough that
+you can accomplish them.  If they are broader, that may be ok, but
+provide sub-tasks for each so each is actionable (i.e., you have a
+concrete, if brief, description of what it includes, like a homework
+assignment).  Do this as a group!  Everyone should brainstorm and
+contribute to this list, even if one person is writing/organizing
+taking notes while you do this in real time.  Consider organizing this
+list in Trello or something similar.
+Put a name by each of the tasks/sub-tasks in the list.  Everyone must
+volunteer *themselves* for this list.  No one is going to assign you
+to items on the list.  This is part of the "step-up" attitude.  Make
+sure to have names next to everything on the list.  Some items
 probably should have two+ names next to them, where people work as a
 pair (especially when there are sub-items).
-Work on the items with your name on them.  That's not to say there
-are still not other items to help with.  You are a *team* and you
-might need to help with other tasks.  You definitely need to
-communicate progress and blockers.
-Meet frequently.  Scrum-like, where you talk about: what you did
-since last time, what you are doing next, any blockers.  This can be a
-short meeting - it is status and not meant for longer discussions.  If
-there are blockers, you schedule additional meetings with some/all of
-the people.
-At the end of the sprint, have a retrospective.  Discuss: 1) what
-went well, and that you'd like to continue, 2) what didn't
-go well and that you'd like to improve.  Do this as a group.
-produce a short list/document for this.  Consider sharing this
-with your advisor/mentor.
+Work on the items with your name on them.  That's not to say there are
+still not other items to help with.  You are a *team* and you might
+need to help with other tasks.  You definitely need to communicate
+progress and blockers.
+Meet frequently.  Scrum-like, where you talk about: what you did since
+last time, what you are doing next, any blockers.  This can be a short
+meeting - it is status and not meant for longer discussions.  If there
+are blockers, you schedule additional meetings with some/all of the
+At the end of the sprint, have a retrospective.  Discuss: 1) what went
+well, and that you'd like to continue, 2) what didn't go well and that
+you'd like to improve.  Do this as a group.  produce a short
+list/document for this.  Consider sharing this with your
 Plan the next sprint based on the user story backlog.  This will
 include any unmet items on the previous sprint (you probably want to

commit 0a3a035cc794a63af63c86c0c68decfdb2d808f2
Author: Mark Claypool <>
Date:   Mon Aug 8 13:58:58 2022 -0400


diff --git a/ b/
index 5b4a6e2..3479489 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
-# Do the Work
+pagetitle: "Do the Work"
+version: 0.9
+# "Do the Work"
 Think of your progress weeks as sprints.  You could do 2 one-week
 sprints or 1 two-week sprint at this point. (You'll probably want 1

commit 4e4f38d8f09f6a9ac22d65dcf35de5fe560cec9a
Author: Mark Claypool <>
Date:   Wed Feb 17 13:07:40 2021 -0500


diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b4a6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Do the Work
+Think of your progress weeks as sprints.  You could do 2 one-week
+sprints or 1 two-week sprint at this point. (You'll probably want 1
+week sprints for C-term).
+Make a list of tasks to do in the sprint.  These should be
+scrum-like.  Think of user stories.  Make them small enough,
+actionable enough that you can accomplish them.  If they are broader,
+that may be ok, but provide sub-tasks for each so each is actionable
+(i.e., you have a concrete, if brief, description of what it includes,
+like a homework assignment).  Do this as a group!  Everyone should
+brainstorm and contribute to this list, even if one person is
+writing/organizing taking notes while you do this in real time.
+Consider organizing this list in Trello or something similar.
+Put a name by each of the tasks/sub-tasks in the list.  Everyone
+must volunteer *themselves* for this list.  No one is going to assign
+you to items on the list.  This is part of the "step-up" attitude.
+Make sure to have names next to everything on the list.  Some items
+probably should have two+ names next to them, where people work as a
+pair (especially when there are sub-items).
+Work on the items with your name on them.  That's not to say there
+are still not other items to help with.  You are a *team* and you
+might need to help with other tasks.  You definitely need to
+communicate progress and blockers.
+Meet frequently.  Scrum-like, where you talk about: what you did
+since last time, what you are doing next, any blockers.  This can be a
+short meeting - it is status and not meant for longer discussions.  If
+there are blockers, you schedule additional meetings with some/all of
+the people.
+At the end of the sprint, have a retrospective.  Discuss: 1) what
+went well, and that you'd like to continue, 2) what didn't
+go well and that you'd like to improve.  Do this as a group.
+produce a short list/document for this.  Consider sharing this
+with your advisor/mentor.
+Plan the next sprint based on the user story backlog.  This will
+include any unmet items on the previous sprint (you probably want to
+visit why the didn't get done in the retrospective).