The Stanford Mobile Visual Search Dataset

The Stanford Mobile Visual Search Dataset

V. Chandrasekhar, D. Chen, S. Tsai, N. Cheung, H. Chen, G. Takacs, Y. Reznik, R. Vedantham, R. Grzesczcuk, J. Bach, B. Girod

In Proceedings of the First ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys)
San Jose, CA, USA
February 23-25, 2011

We survey popular data sets used in computer vision litera- ture and point out their limitations for mobile visual search applications. To overcome many of the limitations, we pro- pose the Stanford Mobile Visual Search data set. The data set contains camera-phone images of products, CDs, books, outdoor landmarks, business cards, text documents, mu- seum paintings and video clips. The data set has several key characteristics lacking in existing data sets: rigid objects, widely varying lighting conditions, perspective distortion, foreground and background clutter, realistic ground-truth reference data, and query data collected from heterogeneous low and high-end camera phones. We hope that the data set will help push research forward in the field of mobile visual search.
