Due date: Wednesday, July 7th, by 11:59pm
TO BE DONE IN TEAMS! This project is actually a series of three smaller assignments with the primary goal of introducing you to Game Maker. Each assignment works through a Game Maker tutorial with an additional custom piece on the end. Completing all three assignments will put you in good position to develop a game from scratch using Game Maker. |
Details: |
First, download
Game Maker 8 onto a Windows machine where you will be
doing your work.
Upon completion of each tutorial, and before turning it in, you must extend the basic game you have made in some creative fashion. This means adding code or art to extend the game by 10%. The actual extension is up to you, and you will indicate what you have done with a short README document when you turn in the assignment. The assignments are:
What to Submit: | All assignments (A-C) are to be submitted
electronically by email by midnight on the day the assignment
is due. Each turnin will include the Game Maker source
file(s). For Game Maker Version 8, a file with a ".gmk"
extension. Also, you should submit a short README document
clearly describing the additional 10% customization. Make sure
your name and login is included in the README file.
When you are ready to submit, zip everything up into a single archive file. Name the file LastName_FirstName_proj1a.zip for part A, and similarly for parts B & C. You will email your zip files to me (claypool at cs.wpi.edu). |
Grading: |
Resources: | Game Maker Resources: |