From [LE91], what are two major types of redundancy that video compression techniques, such as MPEG, take into account in order to achieve high compression rates?
From [Rs75] and your project 1 (Speech Detection), given a zero-line of 127 and the following samples:
137 127 117 147 187 77
In [WS00], the relative effects of numerous degradations to speech over the Internet were compared. Order the following degradations from the least damaging to most damaging:
echo 5% loss bad microphone loud
Both loss and jitter are known to degrade the quality of interactive multimedia applications. The work in [CT99] compares the effects of loss and jitter on the perceptual quality of video. Briefly describe their main finding.
Give 2 reasons why TCP is generally less than ideal as a transport protocol for interactive streaming multimedia.
Give 2 reasons why UDP is generally less than ideal as a transport protocol for high-bandwidth streaming multimedia.
Based on [PFOC00], give 1 reason why SRP is an improvement over both TCP and UDP.
Briefly explain the motivation behind the work in [LPHT95]. In other words, why did the authors conduct a survey of over 400 research articles from both computer science and non-computer science disciplines?
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