CS502 Final Exam Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the final exam:
- Memory Management
- Paging
- Page Tables
- Associative Registers
- Multilevel Paging
- Inverted Page Tables
- Segmentation
- Virtual Memory
- Swapping and Demand Paging
- Page faults
- Page replacement algorithms
- Thrashing
- Paging tradeoffs
- Issues
- File Systems
- Concepts
- Implementation
- Files
- Directories
- Storing files (aliases)
- Disk management
- Partitions
- I/O Devices
- Hardware
- Software
- Disks
- Clocks
- Flo00
- Issues with modern server file systems
- B+ Trees (basics)
- Extents (basics)
- Managing large disks, large files, large directories ...
- Misc enhancments
- Support for sparse files
- Dynamic inode allocation
- Reducing internal fragmentation
- SCG+00
- Issues with commodity OS and application support
- QLinux philosophy
- CPU scheduler
- Network scheduler
- Project 3: Macro Shell
- Sockets
- Connection setup
- Send and receive
- Server
- Client
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