CS4514 Final Exam Topics

Here is the list of topics covered for the final exam and what you should know under each:

    * Medium Access Control Sublayer (Chapter 4: 4.2.3- 4.2.4, 4.3 - 4.5)

      + Collision-Free Protocols

        - Binary Countdown

      + Limited-Contention Protocols

        - Adaptive Tree Walk

      + 802.3 - Ethernet

      + 802.4 - Token Bus

      + 802.5 - Token Ring

      + 802.6 - Token Ring

      + Bridges

        - General issues in connecting the 802's.

    * The Network Layer (Chapter 5: 5.1 - 5.2.7, 5.3 - 5.3.7)

      + Services

      + The Optimality Principal

      + Routing

	- Shortest Path Routing

	- Flooding Routing

	- Flow Based Routing

	- Distance Vector Routing

	- Link State Routing

	- Hierarchical Routing

      + Congestion Control

	- Principles

	- Traffic Shaping

	- Choke Packets

	- Weighted Fair Queuing

    * Transport Layer (Chapter 6: 6.1 - 6.2.3, 6.4.2 - 6.4.7)

      + Services

	- QoS

	- Primitives

	- Sockets

      + Establishing a Connection

	- Addressing

	- Three-way Handshake

	- Releasing a Connection

      + TCP 

	- Transmission Policy

	- Congestion Control

	- Timer Management

    * Project 2 - Hangin' Out and Chatting in a Coffee Shop

      + TCP Connections

	- Receiving

	- Sending

      + UDP Connections

	- Receiving

	- Sending

	- Error control

      + Talking to the Server

      + Establishing a Chat

      + How to Make a Coffee Coolata (kidding)

    * Project 3 - T-Bone: The Tiny-Backbone

      + MBone basics

	- Multicast islands

	- Tunneling

      + IP Multicast

	- Functionality of

	- Similarity/differences to UDP

      + Simple animations

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