Here is the list of topics covered for the mid-term and what you should know under each:
* Introduction (Chapter 1: 1.1 - 1.4) + Motivation for networks, why do we need them? + Domain specification: autonomous computers, "wire" + Reference models (OSI and TCP/IP) - why they are good - why they are bad - differences between them * Physical Layer (Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.6, 2.8) + Services provided + Very basics of what Fourier Analysis says + Nyquist's theorem - what it says - how to use it + Shannon's theorem - what it says - how to use it * Data link Layer (Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.4, 3.6) + Services provided - acknowledged - unacknowledged + Framing - why stuffing needed - how stuffing works + Error detection and correction - why needed - what hamming distance is - what parity bits are for - what redundant bits are for - how to compute hamming code - how to compute crc checksums + Data link protocols - the principal behind stop and wait - how to use acks effectively (par) - sliding windows = what pipelining is = what is go back n = what is selective repeat * Medium Access Control Sublayer (Chapter 4: 4.1 - 4.2.4, 4.3.1) + Why MA control is needed + ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA - how it works - what is the maximum throughput + CSMA and CSMA/CD - how it works - what contention periods are - persistence differences + Bit-Mapped method - how it works - analysis of during low/high load + Binary Countdown - how it works - comparison to bit-mapped method + Limited-Contention Protocols - differences between contention, collision free, and limited contention - Adaptive Tree Walk = how it works = possible enhancements + 802.3 - Ethernet - theoretical basis - reasons for small frame size * Project 1: Network Distance + Ping - what does it do - what can you use it to analyze + Traceroute - what does it do - what can you use it to analyze * Project 2: Distributed Shell + Sockets - how do you set up a connection - how do you send data + Server + Client
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