CS4513 Practice Mid-Term Exam

  1. File system initialization:

    1. Briefly describe what happens when a file system is formatted.
    2. Briefly describe what happens when a file system is mounted.
    3. Which happens first, a "format" or a "mount"?

  2. What is the maximum number of disk I/O operations required to add a block to the end of the file for each of: contiguous allocation, linked-list allocation with index and i-nodes. Assume the base file descriptor is currently cached in memory, but nothing else is.

  3. Consider a file system that supports aliases (links). Suppose we have:

    Where "temp.txt" and "file.txt" are intended to refer to the same set of data blocks on the disk (ie - the same file). If "temp.txt" was a hard-link, what would happen if "file.txt" was deleted? If "temp.txt" was a soft-link, what would happen if "file.txt" was deleted? Explain.

  4. Why do large file-system blocks (typically) result in better file system access times. Why do large blocks result in less efficient use of disk space?

  5. Name and describe 3 types of possible transparency in distributed system.

  6. Name 2 techniques to aid scalability of distributed systems. Provide an example for each.

  7. Give an example of a Client-Server system with a "fat" client. What would be the effect of making the client "thin" for this system?

  8. What is journaling and describe its role in modern file systems?

  9. Describe how some of the issues of a large number of free blocks possible on today's modern disks can be handled in modern file systems.

  10. How is the WAFL inode different than a traditional inode?

  11. How can the Web support both client-side and server-side processing?

  12. Describe a strong cache-consistency mechanism for the Web. Describe a weak cache-consistency mechanism.

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