Java RMI

Java has a Remote Method Invocation mechanism.

Remote Object Interface

// Interface for the RMI remote object.
// Note:  Interface must extend from java.rmi.Remote
//          Methods must throw RemoteExcpetion

import java.rmi.*;

public interface RMIExample extends Remote
        public boolean PostMsg(String strMsg) throws RemoteException;
        public long Factorial(long lVal) throws RemoteException;

Note: the class Remote doesn't have any methods so none have to be implemented.

Server Side Code

This code implements the remote object.

// Implements the remote object
// Note: The object must extend from UnicastRemoteObject
//       The object must implement the associated interface

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;

public class RMIExampleImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject
    implements RMIExample
    protected static String          m_strName;

    public RMIExampleImpl() throws RemoteException
        super(); // call base class constructor
    public boolean PostMsg(String strMsg) throws RemoteException
        System.out.println("Server: PostMsg() invoked...");
        System.out.println("Server: Message > " + strMsg);
        return true;

    public long Factorial(long lVal) throws RemoteException
        long lRes = FactorialEx(lVal);
        System.out.println("Server: Factorial() invoked...");
        System.out.println("Server: Factorial("+lVal+") = " + lRes);
        return lRes;
    protected long FactorialEx(long lVal)
        if (lVal <= 1)
            return 1;
            return lVal * FactorialEx(lVal-1);
    public static void main(String argv[])
            m_strName = "TheRMIExample";
            System.out.println("Server: Registering RMIExampleImpl as \"" + m_strName +"\"");
            RMIExampleImpl Example = new RMIExampleImpl();
            Naming.rebind(m_strName, Example);
            System.out.println("Server: Ready...");
        catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Server: Failed to register RMIExampleImpl: " + e);

Client-Side Code

// This sample Java RMI client can perform the
// following operations:
//   (1)  Send a message to a remote object.  This
//        is done by using the -m command line switch.
//        Example:  java RMIClient -m "My message in quotes"
//   (2)  Calculate the factorial of a given number via 
//        a method of the remote object.
//        Example:  java RMIClient -f 5

import java.rmi.*;
import java.rmi.server.*;

public class RMIClient 
    public static void main(String argv[])
        // Validate command line parameters
        if (argv.length < 2)
        System.out.println("Usage: java RMIClient [-m \"MESSAGE\"] [-f INTEGER]");

        // Command line option flags
        boolean bMessage = false;
        boolean bFactorial = false;

        String strMsg = "No message.";
        long   lVal = 1;

        // Determine data to be processed
        for (int i=0; i<argv.length; i++)
            if (argv[i].equals("-m"))
                bMessage = true;
                strMsg = argv[++i];
            if (argv[i].equals("-f"))
                bFactorial = true;
                lVal = Long.parseLong(argv[++i]);

        // Install security manager.  This is only necessary
        // if the remote object's client stub does not reside
        // on the client machine (it resides on the server).
        System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

        // Get a remote reference to the RMIExampleImpl class
        String strName = "rmi://";
        System.out.println("Client: Looking up " + strName + "...");
        RMIExample RemRMIExample = null;

            RemRMIExample = (RMIExample)Naming.lookup(strName);
        catch (Exception e)
        System.out.println("Client: Exception thrown looking up " + strName);

        // Send a messge to the remote object
        if (bMessage)
                if (!RemRMIExample.PostMsg(strMsg))
                    System.out.println("Client: Remote PostMsg() call failed.");
            catch (Exception e)
            System.out.println("Client: Exception thrown calling PostMsg().");

        // Calculate the factorial
        if (bFactorial)
                long lRes = RemRMIExample.Factorial(lVal);
                System.out.println("Client: Factorial(" + lVal + ") = " + lRes);
            catch (Exception e)
                 System.out.println("Client: Excpetion thrown calling Factorial().");


RMIExampleImplStubs: RMIExampleImpl
        rmic RMIExampleImpl

RMIExampleImpl: RMIExample RMIClient



        rm RMIClient.class RMIExample.class RMIExampleImpl.class RMIExampleImpl_Skel.class RMIExampleImpl_Stub.class

Sample Script

< 1 >ls
Makefile           java.policy        RMIExampleImpl.script
< 2 >make
rmic RMIExampleImpl
< 3 >rmiregistry&
[1] 70
< 4 >ls
Makefile                    RMIExampleImpl.class
RMIClient.class                 RMIExampleImpl_Skel.class
RMIExample.class            RMIExampleImpl_Stub.class             java.policy
< 5 >java RMIExampleImpl&
[2] 19426
Server: Registering RMIExampleImpl as "TheRMIExample"
Server: Ready...
< 6 > java RMIClient -m "How is the weather over there?"
Client: Looking up rmi://
Client: Exception thrown looking up rmi://
< 8 >java RMIClient -m "hello from the client"
Client: Looking up rmi://
Server: PostMsg() invoked...
Server: Message > hello from the client
< 9 >java  RMIClient -f 5
Client: Looking up rmi://
Server: Factorial() invoked...
Server: Factorial(5) = 120
Client: Factorial(5) = 120
< 10 >jobs
[1]  + Running                       rmiregistry
[2]  - Running                       java RMIExampleImpl
< 11 >kill %1 %2
< 12 >
[1]    Terminated                    rmiregistry
< 13 >
[2]    Terminated                    java RMIExampleImpl

Remote Object Requirements

  1. A remote object's interface MUST be written as extending the java.rmi.Remote interface. This serves to mark remote objects for the RMI system. No methods are introduced by java.rmi.Remote.

  2. A remote object's interface must be public.

  3. A remote object's interface SHOULD extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject. This servers to replace several Object class methods so that they work properly in a distributed environment (examples: hashCode(), equals(), toString()). Essentially, precautions are taken so that each client receives the same result when calling certain remote object methods.

  4. All methods MUST be declared as throwing java.rmi.RemoteException. This could be seen as an RMI drawback - existing Java interfaces must be modified in order to function in a distributed environment.

  5. Register the object using the java.rmi.Naming interface (implemented in the object's code). Example: Naming.rebind("ObjectName", new MyObjectImpl()); Note the RMI registry must be running before the object can be launched to register itself - see below.

  6. Once the object's interface is defined and an implementation is derived, the object is compiled into bytecode using the javac compiler. A client stub and server skeleton is then created from the bytecode using the RMI stub compiler, rmic. The client stub serves to provide hooks into the object serialization subsystem in RMI for marshaling method parameters. The server skeleton acts to bridge the RMI registry with the object implementation.

  7. The RMI registry must be running on the server. The RMI registry is launched with the command rmiregistry [PORT_NUMBER] (included with the standard JDK distribution). The default port number is 1099. Multiple RMI registries may be running concurrently on different ports.

Client Requirements

  1. Initialize the RMI security manager with the System object. Example: System.setSecurityManager(new java.rmi.RMISecurityManager()); The security manager enforces Java security upon remote (client) stubs retrieved from a network source. If no security manager is initialized, then stub classes can only be loaded from the local file system. Note that client stubs may reside on the server OR the client machine. If the client stub resides on the server, it is transmitted to the client in the lookup() call - see below. Copy file java.policy to where your client is.

  2. The client must use the java.rmi.Naming method lookup() to retrieve a remote object reference. Calling lookup() causes the server's RMI registry to be queried. The string passed to lookup() uses a URL-like format in which the server and object are specified. Note that a specific port corresponding to a specific RMI registry may be specified. Example1: lookup("rmi://"). Example2: lookkup("rmi://").

Quick Guide

About this document ...

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 2K.1beta (1.61)

Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.
Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, Ross Moore, Mathematics Department, Macquarie University, Sydney.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -no_navigation -split 0 -t 'Java RMI' week4-javarmi.tex

The translation was initiated by Craig Wills on 2002-11-07

Craig Wills 2002-11-07