From Andrew File System work:
- most files are small--transfer files rather than disk blocks?
- reading more common than writing
- most access is sequential
- most files have a short lifetime--lots of applications generate
temporary files (such as a compiler).
- file sharing (involving writes) is unusual--argues for client caching
- processes use few files
- files can be divided into classes--handle ``system'' files and
``user'' files differently.
Primarily look at three distributed file systems as we look at issues.
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Motivation is to provide file sharing
(not a distributed file system). 1970s.
Connect to a remote machine and interactively send or fetch an arbitrary
file. FTP deals with authentication, listing a directory contents, ascii
or binary files, etc.
Typically, a user connecting to an FTP server must specify an account
and password. Often, it is convenient to set up a special account in
which no password is needed. Such systems provide a service
called anonymous FTP where userid is ``anonymous'' and password
is typically user email address.
- Sun's Network File System (NFS). Motivated by wanting to extend a
Unix file system to a distributed environment. Easy file sharing and
compatability with existing systems. Mid-1980's.
Stateless in that servers do not maintain state about clients. RPC calls
- searching for a file within a directory
- reading a set of directory entries
- manipulating links and directories
- accessing file attributes
- reading/writing file data
Latest version of NFS (version 4) introduces some amount of state.
- Andrew File System (AFS). Research project at CMU in 1980s.
Company called Transarc, acquired by IBM. Primary motivation was to build
a scalable distributed file system. Look at pictures.
Other file systems:
- CODA: AFS spin-off at CMU. Disconnection and fault recovery.
- Sprite: research project at UCB in 1980's. To build a distributed
Unix system.
- Echo. Digital SRC.
- Amoeba Bullet File Server: Tanenbaum research project.
- xFs: serverless file system--file system distributed across multiple
machines. Research project at UCB.
How are files named? Access independent? Is the name location independent?
- FTP. location and access dependent.
- NFS. location dependent through client mount points. Largely
transparent for ordinary users, but the same remote file system could be
mounted differently on different machines. Access independent. See Fig
9-3. Has automount feature for file systems to be mounted on demand. All
clients could be configured to have same naming structure.
- AFS. location independent. Each client has the same look within a
cell. Have a cell at each site. See Fig 13-15.
Can files be migrated between file server machines? What must clients be
aware of?
- FTP. Sure, but end-user must be aware.
- NFS. Must change mount points on the client machines.
- AFS. On a per-volume (collection of files managed as a single unit)
Are directories and files handled with the same or a different mechanism?
- FTP. Directory listing handled as remote command.
- NFS. Unix-like.
- AFS. Unix-like.
Amoeba has separate mechanism for directories and files.
What type of file sharing semantics are supported if two processes
accessing the same file?
- Unix semantics - every operation on a file is instantly visible to
all processes.
- session semantics - no changes are visible to other processes until
the file is closed.
- immutable files - files cannot be changed (new versions must be
- FTP. User-level copies. No support.
- NFS. Mostly Unix semantics.
- AFS. Session semantics.
Immutable files in Amoeba.
What, if any, file caching is supported?
- write-through - all changes made on client are immediately written
through to server
- write-back - changes made on client are cached for some amount of
time before being written back to server.
- write-on-close - one type of write-back where changes are written on
close (matches session semantics).
- FTP. None. User maintains own copy (whole file)
- NFS. File attributes (inodes) and file data blocks are cached
separately. Cached attributes are validated with the server on file open.
Version 3: Uses read-ahead and delayed writes from client cache. Time-based at block
level. New/changed files may not visible for 30 seconds. Neither Unix nor
session semantics. Non-deterministic semantics as multiple processes can
have the same file open for writing.
Version 4: Client must flush modified file contents back to the server on
close of file at client. Server can also delegate a file to a
client so that the client can handle all requests for the file without
checking with the server. However, server must now maintain state about
open delegations and recall (with a callback) a delegation if the file is
needed on another machine.
- AFS. File-level caching with callbacks (explain). Session semantics.
Concurrent sharing is not possible.
Does the system support locking of files?
- FTP. N/A.
- NFS. Has mechanism, but external to NFS in v3. Internal to file
system in version 4.
- AFS. Does support.
Is file replication/reliability supported and how?
- FTP. No.
- NFS. minimal support in version 4.
- AFS. For read-only volumes within a cell. For example binaries and
system libraries.
Is the system scalable?
- FTP. Yes. Millions of users.
- NFS. Not so much. 10-100s
- AFS. Better than NFS, keep traffic away from file servers. 1000s.
Is hardware/software homogeneity required?
- FTP. No.
- NFS. No.
- AFS. No.
Is the application interface compatible to Unix or is another
interface used?
- FTP. Separate.
- NFS. The same.
- AFS. The same.
What security and protection features are available to control access?
- FTP. Account/password authorization.
- NFS. RPC Unix authentication. Version 4 uses RPCSEC_GSS, a general
security framework that can use proven security mechanisms such as Kerberos.
- AFS. Unix permissions for files, access control lists for
directories. CODA has secure RPC implementation.
Do file system servers maintain state about clients?
- FTP. No.
- NFS. No. In Version 4 servers maintains state about delegations and
file locking.
- AFS. Yes.
What was learned.
Think about for file systems and other large distributed systems.
- Workstations have cycles to burn. Make clients do work whenever
- Cache whenever possible.
- Exploit file usage properties. Understand them.
One-third of Unix files are temporary.
- Minimize system-wide knowledge and change. Do not hardwire
- Trust the fewest possible entities. Do not trust workstations.
- Batch if possible to group operations.