CS4513 Exam Three Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that might be on the third exam:
- Synchronization (Chapter 5)
- Clocks
- Cristian's algorithm
- Berkeley algorithm
- Decentralized algorithm
- Global Time and State
- Election Algorithms
- Bully algorithm
- Ring algorithm
- Mutual Exclusion
- Centralized
- Distributed
- Token Ring
- Distributed Transactions
- Transaction properties
- Implementation
- The Web (Ch 11.1)
- Document model
- Architecture
- Client-side processing
- Server-side processing
- Communication
- Processes
- Browsers
- Proxies
- Server Clusters
- Naming
- Caching
- Weak vs. Strong Consistency
- Server replication (Akamai)
- Security (Phreak)
- Port scanning
- Smashing the stack
- Trojan horse
- Rootkits
- Prevention
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