CS3013 Mid-Term Topic Outline
Here is an outline of the topics that were covered for
the Mid-Term:
- Introduction
- History
- Structure
- Concepts
- Processes
- Shells
- Files
- Memory Management
- System Calls
- Processes
- Implementation
- Process control block
- Context-switching
- States (ready, running, blocked/waiting) and transitions
- Creation
- Scheduling
- FCFS, SJF, RR, Prio, Multi-level feedback queue ...
- WinNT specifics (a bit)
- Linux specifics (a bit)
- Synchronization
- Critical sections
- Shared-memory solutions
- Hardware solutions
- Semaphores
- Classic synch problems
- Dining philosophers
- Readers/Writers
- Simple Operating System
header file
for scheduling
- Parallel Systems and Threads
- Project 1 - Switching Contexts
- counting context switches
- voluntary vs. involuntary context switches
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