PIKM 2008

Workshop for Ph.D. Students in Information and Knowledge Management

October 30, 2008



The goal of the PIKM 2008 workshop is to encourage Ph.D. students to present their dissertation research at a relatively early stage. The targeted students are those with a focus in any of the CIKM research tracks, i.e., databases, information retrieval or knowledge management. Interdisciplinary work across the three tracks is particularly encouraged.

PIKM 2008 will enable graduate students to present their dissertation proposals and/or ongoing research on their dissertation sub-problems, giving them an opportunity to get feedback on their work from experienced researchers. The accepted papers will also be published in the workshop proceedings.

Although PIKM 2008 is geared mainly towards Ph.D. students, Masters students aiming to be Ph.D. candidates may also submit proposal papers for a prospective doctoral dissertation based on their ongoing work.

This workshop builds on the success PIKM 2007 workshop, held in conjunction with ACM CIKM 2007 in Lisboa, Portugal.

A wide range of topics on any area in databases, information retrieval and knowledge management can be presented at the PIKM workshop. The areas of interest are similar to those at the CIKM main conference and can be found on the CIKM 2008 website.


The submissions should propose research ideas that can mature into a dissertation. The authors could be Ph.D. students or Masters students aspiring to get a Ph.D. having in mind a clear idea of a proposal. Students could also submit work on one or more sub-problems of their dissertation. The papers should address the research issues in their proposal focusing on the challenges in solving them. They could also include the proposed techniques to solve the given problems. Preliminary experimental evaluation may also be included if necessary. However, it should be clear that the work is ongoing.

Draft papers should be at most 8 pages in length in the CIKM format which can be found at the ACM SIG Template link.

Upon selection, camera ready papers will have a limit of 8 pages for full papers and 4 pages for poster papers. The graduate student should be the first author on the paper. The students research advisor, committee members and others may be co-authors. Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the PIKM workshop by the early registration deadline in order for their paper to be included in the proceedings. All PIKM 2008 workshop proceedings will be printed on CD together with the main CIKM proceedings.

Please submit draft papers at the following site: PIKM 2008 Submission


Note: All deadlines are 23:59:59 PST


Aparna Varde, Montclair State University, USA, vardea@mail.montclair.edu

Prasan Roy, Aster Data Systems, USA, prasan.roy@asterdata.com


Indrajit Bhattacharya, IBM Research, India

Francisco Couto, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Sreenivas Gollapudi, Microsoft Search Labs, USA

Katherine Herbert, Montclair State University, USA

Vagelis Hristidis, Florida International University, USA

Giti Javidi, Virginia State University, USA

Mouna Kacimi, Max Planck Institute, Germany

Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz, Germany

Andreas Koeller, Oracle Corp., USA

Pawan Lingras, St. Mary's University, Canada

Bin Liu, Ajia Lighthorse Asset Management Inc., China

Murali Mani, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

Florent Masseglia, INRIA, France

Thomas Neumann, Max Planck Institute, Germany

Anisoara Nica, Sybase Corp., Canada

Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Carolina Ruiz, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA

Pierre Senellart, Telecom Paristech, France

Ranga Raju Vatsavai, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Li Xiong, Emory University, USA

Mohammed Zaki, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

Zhongfei Zhang, Binghamton University, USA




The list of accepted papers along with the detailed workshop schedule can be found at this link. Please note that all attendees are expected to be present for all talks. The schedule may undergo slight changes based on how the talks progress so please be present throughout the workshop if you are a participant.